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  1. rozroz

    cbd weed?

    very interesting. appears that CBD has more long term effects than THC, that's why it might not effect at all at first.
  2. rozroz

    cbd weed?

    but wait.. why would you be impaired when vaping a microdose at 360F at work? it will give you exactly what you seek. unless you tried it and it's too effective?
  3. rozroz

    cbd weed?

    so you basically say a mild high is what you want, but without THC... you clown:p i don't believe it's possible.. unless you find a good 1:1 strain. i can only get a clean CBD strain, so i'll mix it with my stash and test ratios.
  4. rozroz

    cbd weed?

    interesting.. i'm about to buy an Israeli medical strain called Topaz, which is a CBD strain (15%).. first time trying CBD. i really look forward to prepare 1:1 mixes with some THC strains. seems like a good balanced "diet" heh.. can you guys tell if CBD gives some kind of a "well being"...
  5. rozroz

    "Addicted" because you vape every day?

    no i wouldn't call it medical. unless being depressed, judgmental and cynical is a medical problem ;)
  6. rozroz

    "Addicted" because you vape every day?

    for me it's being more creative and less judgmental when i create
  7. rozroz

    Official CBD Discussion Thread

    so you can't tell if CBD effects general mood?
  8. rozroz

    Official CBD Discussion Thread

    can you somehow describe how the CBD effects you, opposed to THC? (i would be more precise and say microdosing THC- not full blown high) no exhaustion, as you said.. relaxing. i ask because i mostly use THC to be creative at work or at evening, and it makes me more peaceful and less...
  9. rozroz

    Official CBD Discussion Thread

    wanted to ask, as a recreational user, who wants to lower the THC high for some CBD mental benefits... are there any? can you guys tell me if you actually notice some psychological benefits with CBD usage? i personally need a more relaxed, focused, and well being mind, will that help or it's...
  10. rozroz

    most creative strain for you artists out there?

    The problem is i live in Israel, so not a lot of special strains.. mostly popular and classic.. Did you try the award winning Kosher Kush?
  11. rozroz

    most creative strain for you artists out there?

    and about that classic Blueberry Indica.. what's your opinion? very interesting strong strain for me. not sure if it can utilize a lot of creativity though ;)
  12. rozroz

    most creative strain for you artists out there?

    reviving this old thread, my journey through strains is really interesting... turns out the older i get and with experience in creativity withing strains, i wanna try using less Sativa and more Indica.. after many tests Sativa's could be unpredictable in moods and stressing thoughts, but i...
  13. rozroz

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    Enjoying the grind immensely. Cleaning all the surfaces with a tooth brush after use is enough? or a more serious cleaning is required after a while? doesn't look like it does.
  14. rozroz

    "Addicted" because you vape every day?

    very interesting stuff :tup:
  15. rozroz

    Official CBD Discussion Thread

    Israel developed many strains, and of course some are more CBDed. that doesn't change the fact that without a permit I could only get a few decent strains via Telegram, while CBD products are either fake or unavailable. they hardly give medical permit. only if you have cancer or "similar".
  16. rozroz

    Official CBD Discussion Thread

    well see how even you didn't question if it's legal or not to use it here. i bet if you google it you'll find out what i told you. new science and tech do come from here but it has nothing to do with the law. (hell this is the Mecca of THC science ffs) today the accepted medical MJ export, a...
  17. rozroz

    Official CBD Discussion Thread

    we do have medical permit but it's basically illegal (except "lucky" people who can hardly get a medical usage permit). nowdays they will not open a police file on you if you get caught with small personal doses. the CBD issue is ridiculous cause their main reason is that you can still make THC...
  18. rozroz

    Official CBD Discussion Thread

    yea, least we have a pretty nice underground Telegram system with nice strains. but i wouldn't touch any oils there.
  19. rozroz

    Official CBD Discussion Thread

    I will tell you soon... @looney2nz Israel's drug policy is a joke considering all breakthroughs done here. legalize is a distant dream, and now they even banned importing CBD even as food supplamnet. complete idiots. the biggest irony is that now they will EXPORT medicinal MJ to the world...
  20. rozroz

    Official CBD Discussion Thread

    Israel is problematic for Cbd import.. So very few options
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