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  1. JyARz

    JyARz Storage Containers

    I will keep the hemp "thread" in mind for a project that I'm researching at the moment. Might eventually make sense as JyAR option as well. Clever to vape popularity. I'll add that as a data point. Thank you. -Aldo
  2. JyARz

    JyARz Storage Containers

    First, I'm glad we got this resolved. And as for recycling, I can't re-use it but it can go into your recycling bin. My production vendor gets it's stock material from a supplier of recycled HDPE so it would be complicated to get this one unit back to that firm. -Aldo
  3. JyARz

    JyARz Storage Containers

    Question for the community: Can anyone point me to the list of top selling portable vaporizers (for flower, concentrates, etc)? I'm researching a potential product offering. Thanks for any leads/links. -Aldo
  4. JyARz

    JyARz Storage Containers

    I think I need to research this option more to weigh-in. Adding to the price is not an option...I do agree there. And a big value of the HDPE is that it's slick almost waxy which makes it very easy to clean, which adds to the odorless value of a JyAR over pretty much every other container that...
  5. JyARz

    JyARz Storage Containers

    Very good to know...I've had some concerns about this very topic. I'll look into it before launching in too quickly. Also there's a nice looking product that many of you might like to use for your "larger" and therefore less "mobile" needs, take a look at...
  6. JyARz

    JyARz Storage Containers

    Interesting! I'm actually looking at 3D printing technology so you can bet your hat that once this filament becomes more readily available we'll see if it can work for us. I tried mightily to use Hemp based plastics but it was too problematic from a sourcing perspective. But there are exciting...
  7. JyARz

    JyARz Storage Containers

    Thank you. We try and sometimes fail...but still try to make it right in the end ;-) The Rambler testing continues. It's always very enlightening to have a prototype because it always exposes all sorts of little issues that are very hard (for me) to predict when simply envisioning a thing. In...
  8. JyARz

    JyARz Storage Containers

    I memorized that quote. Interesting idea. We're laser focused on perfecting the bag's functionality. Then we'll start thinking about "branding" ... appreciate the thought! -Aldo
  9. JyARz

    JyARz Storage Containers

    Great photo! Thank you. -Aldo
  10. JyARz

    JyARz Storage Containers

    Why didn't I think of that? you go... But note this thing is going to go through a lot of change. For one I'm pretty sure we'll go with a magnetic closure. We'll likely go with smooth finished leather. We'll...
  11. JyARz

    JyARz Storage Containers

    I'm testing the Rambler with the VapCap and the version with the eLiquid option fits and works beautifully. Although I've asked the company if the VapCap (regular - original version) is a bit shorter that might work a little better. impressive little item, thank you very much for bringing it to...
  12. JyARz

    JyARz Storage Containers

    Are you saying the JyAR shell itself has an objectionable odor? That would be odd...very odd. -Aldo
  13. JyARz

    JyARz Storage Containers

    Ordered a VapCap with an airtight case for testing...agree, looks like a nice thing to be able to carry...should fit but I'll test it to make sure. Thank you. -Aldo
  14. JyARz

    JyARz Storage Containers

    Our logic as to leather for me is that I'm a meat eater, leather is a byproduct of eating meat so I personally don't see an ethical issue. You might say I should reconsider my meat eating, and perhaps that's true. As to other fabrics we will see how popular our bags are, if people enjoy them...
  15. JyARz

    JyARz Storage Containers

    There will be room where the "2nd" JyAR would sit. There will be a strap in there to hold the JyAR so I suspect that the VapCap or other vap could fit in there. We can test that out once the prototype is complete. -Aldo
  16. JyARz

    JyARz Storage Containers

    Here's a picture of a little something we are working on in addition to the BB (Big Boy/Big Bertha). We are going to give one of the prototypes away to one of our InstaGram followers when we reach 5K followers. So if you are on IG please follow @JyARz...
  17. JyARz

    JyARz Storage Containers

    I do like this line of reasoning ... co-opt the term!
  18. JyARz

    JyARz Storage Containers

    Yeah, I do understand the dislike of the military aspect. How about just BERTHA!?
  19. JyARz

    JyARz Storage Containers

    On vote for Bertha!
  20. JyARz

    JyARz Storage Containers

    Yup I agree! Not good for never will be. I think it's that simple. -Aldo
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