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  1. R

    Desktop vaporizer comparison

    Personally, I like logs because they are simple but can do a lot, they are extremely efficient, and they can be left on 24/7. I run mine both dry and through water. With a small load they are the most efficient style of vaporizers bar none but you can pack a little more and still get huge...
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    Desktop vaporizer comparison

    I agree with @Squiby A log-style vaporizer is the way to go. Look at Underdog and Ed's TnT. If you are in the US, you can look at the nano too but you might need some sort of step-down coverter if you are in Europe or somewhere else.
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    Ed's WoodScents Log Vape - Ed's TnT

    It doesn't appear to be live (at least on the mobile site).
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    Ed's WoodScents Log Vape - Ed's TnT

    @little maggie George from Dynavap (@VapCap ) said that the "M" which is the new value priced stainless steel model will in fact work with the WS.
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    The HI

    You can definitely use the WS dimmer for the UD and the HI as all of these work on a 12v DC power supply.
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    Discontinued Zion vaporizer

    I wouldn't call allegedly delivering working units two years after taking people's money "rushing".
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    Ed's WoodScents Log Vape - Ed's TnT

    Anyone have a report on the new power supplies? I won't have mine until next week so I was curious what everyone thought about them.
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    Ed's WoodScents Log Vape - Ed's TnT

    Is anyone else getting a high pitched sound from the heater when they have the dimmer set to lower settings? Mine as been doing it when I am below 7. It is very faint. It doesn't really bother me but I worry about safety. Strangely, it does not do it when I have it hooked up to my VVPS.
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    Ed's WoodScents Log Vape - Ed's TnT

    Just to clarify, @Ed's TnT , there is no need to confirm that our power supply is no good? Everyone is getting a new one... right?
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    Underdog Log Vapes

    Thanks! I think you did a good job of putting it in layman' terms for people like me. I was just curious and it seemed like a timely question with what Ed had going on over in his thread.
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    Underdog Log Vapes

    On the Woodscents thread, there was some talk about changing the power supply to a 12v, 3a power supply (instead of 12/2). That got me thinking about the underdog. I know some people have used a 15v supply with a dimmer. How does upping the voltage differ from upping the amperage? Does one...
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    Ed's WoodScents Log Vape - Ed's TnT

    Just got my tracking info! It won't be long now.
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    Ed's WoodScents Log Vape - Ed's TnT

    Here's a question for anyone who already has their hands on one. Is the glass stem/gong the same size as the nano or the underdog? I.E. are the accessories from these other vapes compatible with the WS?
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    Ed's WoodScents Log Vape - Ed's TnT

    Thanks for the tip but I have a question. Are the o-rings between the ti-tip and the wood stem or between where the ti-tip connects to the heater? I'm having a hard time picturing it and I can't tell from the photos. I guess I could wait until next week when it shows up on my doorstep but I...
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    Ed's WoodScents Log Vape - Ed's TnT

    I don't see the temp control. Am I just blind?
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    Underdog Log Vapes

    I have been enjoying my cocobolo pup with the sapwood spot that Dave posted a few pages back and I wanted to thank @underdog for turning such a beautiful piece. Unfortunately, it developed a crack during the burn in phase but @underdogette hooked me up with a discount :cheers:. The small crack...
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    Ed's WoodScents Log Vape - Ed's TnT

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my walnut will get here by Friday so I can put it through its paces over the weekend. I was thinking Thuya burl but it was already sold out when I got to it last night. I was disappointed for a few minutes until I saw the walnut, which looks awesome.
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    Ed's WoodScents Log Vape - Ed's TnT

    Do we know the wood choices yet?
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    Underdog Log Vapes

    Wow. Nothing more to say but wow.
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    Ed's WoodScents Log Vape - Ed's TnT

    That works just fine! :cheers:
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