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  1. P

    Discontinued The Firefly Vaporizer

    Awesome. As a resident picky vaper, is there any other "clean" vape that you would recommend, besides the Firefly and Cera (as the Cera is no longer are sold lol)?
  2. P

    Discontinued The Firefly Vaporizer

    What does everyone think about the vapor pathway for the Firefly and its overall vapor cleanliness? Im still in search for the cleanest portable vaporizer I can get my hands on and am currently looking at the Firefly. From the sound of it, it seems to be close to what im looking for, but I have...
  3. P

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    OF, are the similar, interchangeable knock offs from Thanks for the clarification. Are the "knock offs" from China easily distinguishable though? Like say I was buying a T1 on ebay, would the knock offs be noticeable from a picture of an assembled T1?
  4. P

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    Sorry to hear about Thermocare closing, they seemed to be a company that put the customer first in terms of product safety and warranty. Speaking of the TC and safety, do you guys think there is a increased safety risk when buying a T1 used off ebay. I'm kind of paranoid about having clean...
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