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  1. M

    Herb Grinders

    Cool, thanks for the info guys. How is the cosmic working over the past couple days? I think I might order the 2.75'' 4 pc cosmic soon
  2. M

    Herb Grinders

    Oh, I just meant that I was looking for a grinder that has a large diameter (like 2.5in or larger) and still had ~3mm holes. But I was really just wondering if the screen moved around when rotated or was very secure in place. Sorry for the confusion, happy vaping :D
  3. M

    Herb Grinders

    Hey ILoveRadiohead! That cosmic looks awesome. I really need a good 4 pc grinder for vaping. good and large 3 mm hole grinders are hard to find. Is the screen loose or is it connected to the section? Would it be possible to grind some herb, flip the grinder upside down to grind more w/o it...
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