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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    REALLY? Well that's good news I suppose. May I ask what amount of herb do you usually put in? Loosely or packed?
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Hey guys, Thank you for the replies. That's what I was afraid to hear. The paperwork I have is minimal, and just outlines general use and the warranty. No dates or receipts, and I didn't think to ask. I knew I was taking a risk, looks like this one might not pan out. Yes, once it's heated...
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    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Hey FC, I met this guy who was giving up blowing trees, and he had an OG Cloud + evolver glass that looked and operated in good condition. He had all the original papers, and wanted $200 bucks. I'm coming from a vaporbro's box desktop w/ bong attachment to a beaker, so the Cloud has always been...
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    taking magic flight on a plane?

    Haha, well I'm done here. Have a good day folks!
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    taking magic flight on a plane?

    A fine idea. However, the risk may be worth the money spent on a new unit. That was my logic.
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    taking magic flight on a plane?

    Actually I said: "I see the concern that other users have had. It would be very unlikely you would see the inside of a jail cell, if that's at all comforting =)" Which is true. You would royally have to fuck up, or do something completely different from OP's description to indefinitely go to...
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    taking magic flight on a plane?

    Ah yes, I saw your posting of that earlier. But thanks for bringing it up again.
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    taking magic flight on a plane?

    "As my comfortability of offering advice to something OP was already considering; I was merely offering my past experiences and knowledge. I hold no gun to his/her head." I don't know how to make that more clear... I apologize for your lack of satisfaction with my response. What can I do...
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    taking magic flight on a plane?

    This is a website dedicated to the vaporization of a product that could land us all in prison or seriously fined, even those in medical/recreational legal states. So if we want to talk about potential harm... As my comfortability of offering advice to something OP was already considering; I was...
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    taking magic flight on a plane?

    An x-ray examiner isn't going to see anything scary about a MFLB. They want wires and volumes of liquids.
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    taking magic flight on a plane?

    It depends. If you don't mind me asking, where are you traveling from? Destination? I've traveled a number of times with green and my MFLB/Pax. My rule is to always keep it domestic. International flights are going to have people looking for things such as that (Other country's border control...
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