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  1. S

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I am having some troubles with my launch box... It is taking me at least 2 fully charged batteries to torch a trench... I have tried different breathing speeds with no luck. It does get me medicated but it takes way too long to do it. Any suggestions?
  2. S

    Healing Wounds

    Thats the answer I was looking for thanks for the help!
  3. S

    Healing Wounds

    I just had surgery on my foot this morning and before I went in I was told not to smoke because it slows the healing process. I managed to find this after a quick google search Smokers take longer to heal after having surgery than nonsmokers do. Smoking causes several different changes in...
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    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    I just ordered an extreme today and I'm pumped to get it. Thanks for all the good info! Just one question... How long will the vapor last in the bags without losing it's potency?
  5. S

    New to vaping - munchies?

    I have a real cheap vape (like one of the ones on ebay for around 60) and I found that if i use it without any visible vapor after a while my tolerance will go down and I can still get completely blazed. With this method it takes a few more hits (usually 15 at the temp that was just below the...
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