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  1. CloudCat

    Advanced E-cig users and oil/wax, how-to "one-hitter-quitter"

    I pretty much only use 316L anymore. It just works so well.
  2. CloudCat

    Divine Tribe atty's

    Fasttech also has pictures of your packages on your order page. I really like it.
  3. CloudCat

    Advanced E-cig users and oil/wax, how-to "one-hitter-quitter"

    I pulse it until it is hot-ish but not smoking, then dab on top and let it melt on.
  4. CloudCat

    Advanced E-cig users and oil/wax, how-to "one-hitter-quitter"

    It's a one to two hitter. I suppose I could put in some sort of wick but this is so easy to deal with, just burn it off to clean it, runs TC like a champ, and super clean flavor. Having the coil up like this makes loading crazy simple, you can see everything. This is one built on a Goon...
  5. CloudCat

    Advanced E-cig users and oil/wax, how-to "one-hitter-quitter"

    That's what I'm doing, just a bare tight coil of 316L clapton that I'm TCing. 10 wraps at 1.5 mm 28 gauge wrapped with 36 gauge, about 0.71ohms after tuning. Built it on this cheap Fasttech clone.
  6. CloudCat

    Divine Tribe atty's

    Okay, I think I've figured out the Hohm Wrecker G2. It definitely will TC Kanthal, but it's not completely plug and play. It's not something a casual vaper would want to deal with IMO. Here's the lowdown: You need to keep a certain ritual for it to work as it's crazy sensitive and anything...
  7. CloudCat

    Divine Tribe atty's

    Vaporcube has the 151 watt limited edition refurbs for a hundred bucks. Couldn't pass that up. Can't say about one you'd order, but mine came looking like it was brand-new. Not a scratch or any evidence that it was refurbed. Mine came with the next to latest edition firmware, but as the...
  8. CloudCat

    Divine Tribe atty's

    That's what I hear. I haven't tried. Here's the brag video from Hohmtech:
  9. CloudCat

    Divine Tribe atty's

    Yes. Kanthal temp control. Still dialing it in. May take a while as testing takes a lot out of me. This thing hits so hard.
  10. CloudCat

    Divine Tribe atty's

    Agreed. I've got the air wide open and still am limiting my hits to maybe 5-6 seconds. It's a one or two hit TKO.
  11. CloudCat

    Divine Tribe atty's

    It's made really well. All the parts are machined and finished nicely. There aren't sharp edges and all the parts fit together well. The air control turns with just the right amount of resistance, staying exactly where you put it but moving with little effort. I'm not sure how it could be...
  12. CloudCat

    Divine Tribe atty's

    Mine required significant cleaning with iso before the protective oil came off. A really good scrubbing with an old toothbrush.
  13. CloudCat

    Divine Tribe atty's

    It is completely idiot proof. Slap some wax on, melt it on if it's not loose already, top on and go. Gave it to a friend yesterday without instruction other than, "push the button and suck" and they got it in one. It's a little combusty, particularly if you run it higher that 20 watts, almost...
  14. CloudCat

    Divine Tribe atty's

    It's very smooth and easy. Wide open, it has little restriction, fully closed it's like a Herc. Tastes like it's a little on the strong side of the power curve after 6 seconds at 20 watts, but that's a long-ish draw with the air wide open like I like it. If I was to close it down for longer...
  15. CloudCat

    Divine Tribe atty's

    Potato pics follow. Coin shown is a US quarter dollar for scale.
  16. CloudCat

    Divine Tribe atty's

    With the airflow wide open, it tastes like nothing until you exhale. With it closed up more it tastes wonderful both in and out.
  17. CloudCat

    Divine Tribe atty's

    Thanks. I've been reading a while, first time I had info to post. Essentially, except it's not really rebuildable. Replacement coils are like $6 each. Mine is filthy right now but I will post pictures next time I clean. More pics are here...
  18. CloudCat

    Divine Tribe atty's

    I have one. Comes with either a kanthal wax coil or a nickel TC coil. Nice adjustable airflow. The kanthal coil hits crazy hard at 20watts in power mode. Waiting on a Hohm Wrecker G2 to test TC on it.
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