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  1. D

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Thanks for the advice everyone. Ended up ordering direct from TM to make it easy. Obviously had to order myself an extra stem while im at it. Haha. The tinymight does kinda work properly sometimes so i can get usage out of it still. Its just temperamental.
  2. D

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Yep. Well that's my issue. Just quickly took it apart and its definitely missing. Does TM sell it or is there somewhere else to get it? Thanks so much @Vaporific and @dzoinp !! I should have asked this weeks ago. Lol
  3. D

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Oh. So one sits on top of the metal cylinder and then there is another between the glass cylinder and top? I might be missing the glass one
  4. D

    TinyMight / TM 2

    The orange (or red?) one? Yep that's still there. Forgot to mention, This happens regardless of stem. I have short and long TM stems with CU, Eds TnT stem and Grav Octotaster. The issue is the same on all of them. Edit: More info - i just removed the top stem ring and flipped over the oring...
  5. D

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Apologies as this has probably asked before. I just can't find it in the thread... My TM started out amazing. Huge rips like everyone else. But, I have been having issues with it for the last 3-4 weeks. Issue - I'm finding that I go to take a rip (at 3-4 temp) and all i'm doing is vaping hot...
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