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  1. Sudolewdo

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    I think it's probably because most of the issues people are having have been related to the VI and click disks, and although it's good to have these working properly it doesn't technically affect the performance of the device. For me personally, even though I've had the VI issues, the...
  2. Sudolewdo

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    Cheers for the help everyone! It would appear the VI is now working as intended 🤙 Clicks are still a bit weird, second click seems to come somewhere around the first notch. I'll give that time though, it might come good.
  3. Sudolewdo

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    Well that explains that then, cheers for letting me know! Before I reassemble, can I get confirmation that this is now correct?
  4. Sudolewdo

    Battery Free Ganz - The Flare Induction heater

    Yeah it seems finding the right spot is a bit tricky, I know that with the spacer towards the bottom it heats the bowl too much, but as you say I suspect I might have gone too far the other way. Hopefully once I get the VI sorted it'll be easier to dial in.
  5. Sudolewdo

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    Hopefully this is clear enough!
  6. Sudolewdo

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    After a couple of days of use I can really see how good this thing will be once I dial it in more. Like others though I think I'm having some VI issues that are making that tricky. Seems no matter how long I heat it for the indicator doesn't rise above just below the first notch. Click disks...
  7. Sudolewdo

    Battery Free Ganz - The Flare Induction heater

    I just got my hands on the Tempest, I'm trying to dial it in on the Flare and I'm reading back this thread to see what people worked out. If I'm understanding your post correctly, you found the best spot for the spacer was screwed up as far as it could go? @oddjobold mentioned trying the glass...
  8. Sudolewdo

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    Yeah mine wasn't opened either, they must've had a backlog or something 😅 Just glad to finally have it! Well that gives me a place to start then, cheers! I only had the funds to grab either the Flare or the Wand and because I really enjoyed using the yllvape 2.0 with my Dynas I gambled on the...
  9. Sudolewdo

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    After a nervous wait with my Tempest sitting in customs for a few days I finally have this beauty in my hands! In an iso bath at the moment, can't wait to give it a few test runs later this evening 🤙🏻 Question for anyone whose used/using it with the Flare - I know about the wattage limitations...
  10. Sudolewdo

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    Great to know it fits on the Vong, I love that thing for use with water 🤙
  11. Sudolewdo

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    Nope. Getting a bit concerned as well honestly 😮‍💨
  12. Sudolewdo

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    Glad to hear it made it in! Tracking is saying mine is in Sydney awaiting clearance, fingers crossed there's no issues 🤞
  13. Sudolewdo

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    I didn't realize bubblers were part of the restrictions, or is that just how Instavape is going about it?
  14. Sudolewdo

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    I forgot to add a couple of things to my order, any way I can add those to my main order without paying extra postage? Cheers!
  15. Sudolewdo

    Battery Free Ganz - The Flare Induction heater

    Happy to report mine got into the country okay and arrived just now. Can't report on how it functions as yet because I don't have anything that takes advantage of it until I get my hands on the Tempest 😅
  16. Sudolewdo

    Battery Free Ganz - The Flare Induction heater

    Yeah I ordered as well, fingers crossed they let them in the country
  17. Sudolewdo

    Battery Free Ganz - The Flare Induction heater

    Ah awesome, great to hear they'll be available soon! Yeah for sure will be interesting to see how the Flare goes with that battery setup. I did have to try a couple of different 18650 cells to find ones that held performance at lower charge levels with the YLL2.0 (probably no surprise but the...
  18. Sudolewdo

    Battery Free Ganz - The Flare Induction heater

    Yeah this is a bit of a dilemma for me. I'm really new to this style of vaping and only picked up my first Dyna in Feb. Tried a torch for a bit but found it hard to get good consistency. Deciding to try induction I did some reading and settled for the YLL2.0 over the Wand, because it was a bit...
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