Search results for query: 14mm Stubby

  1. Vaporware

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    ...14mm and 18mm bowls. It’s not a bad idea to pick up a second bowl (I have a 14 and an 18, 1 Panhead and 1 Shovelhead - oh, and now a 14mm stubby). You’d notice more of a difference between the Showerhead and Wrap-Around (which is a little less open but still pretty open from what I’ve...
  2. Likes2vape

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    You can different size posts for the shovelhead bowl but I would just get the 14mm post and a 18-14mm stubby glass reducer. I really like my Menovo pid from dhgate but you aren’t saving much money going that route and the Menovo is wired like the hi5 controllers. If you are getting the...
  3. Likes2vape

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    That looks good. I like both the stubby and the divine tribe 14mm glass piece but with the glass I have to make sure the Flowerpot head unit makes a good seal when usinging by pushing the whole head unit down with the carb cap. Not hard to do but is worth noting. The showerhead and the new vape...
  4. Morty

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    ..fuk...yes!... ...cheaper than the Stubby bowl too!... When I switched to glass stems w/ the SV3, the flavor difference was immediate. Not that I think the FP/SV3 taste bad w/ their metal bowls, but man, glass tastes soooo fucking good!!! I'M WORRIED ABOUT COOP!!!
  5. lazylathe

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    I have both 14 and 18mm bowls and all use the EQ basket, Shovelhead and Panhead. I also have the 14mm stubby bowl that also fits the EQ basket perfectly. All of them are the same diameter for similar performance.
  6. Justpassedu

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    Shovel and Pan are basically the same size as the stubby , all the other bowls sold are a bit smaller.
  7. B

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    You're right! I was using my stubby because it was 14mm so I could use an adapter, but yeah the OG bowls are smaller. How does the stubby compare in size to the current shovel/pan?
  8. muunch

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    The old style 14mm/18mm female bowl (with groove for the screen) works perfectly for me still. I have a 14mm male rig and do get some resin on the outside of the joint, but that's no biggie. I see no real reason to change the female bowls atm. Mine never gets stuck, and I use the hemp fiber...
  9. muunch

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    ...the Ti bowls+double weave. Vaping some ridiculous wedding cake at 690 tonight in this little 7in SoL perc bubbler from CCG using the 14mm stubby bowl... been heavy testing concentrates with my hexnail since I got it so it's nice to hit some potent flowers and get to the same level but a...
  10. A

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    @Danksta , @LabPong thanks guys for your testing and great info on the glass bowls. If I was using the Flowerpot I would have already ordered some. But I feel like I should get a couple to give my mum some good options. She is still using the black 14mm male Toro bubbler, with female 14/18...
  11. muunch

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    I care much less about glass/quartz bowls than I do about finding a way to make the SH dabbing surface anything but Ti, but even my care for that has honestly went way down since I got another controller and I can run both at the same time, but it'd still be nice for the rare time I want to do...
  12. A

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    Morning- wow, my mum is really getting into her Flowerpot. She has seen the light! Get this, now she is already wanting to get a different bubbler! I'm sending her Dhgate links!! I can't believe she is now shopping for new bongs!:lol: So I'm trying to recall what I have seen that she may like...
  13. LabPong

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    Are you using hemp fiber in the bottom of the bowl like Chicken does? The one 14mm glass bowl I tried was a bit too wide at the top so I could only get the heating collar around the top 1/8 inch too over lap. But even so....was much smoother as you say compared to the pan head with stock screen.
  14. S

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    Definitely a place I can order some? Thanks!
  15. Shooby

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    Found a perfect fitting 14mm glass bowl w/ glass screen to use with the Flowerpots. Couldnt find a 18mm that fit. I have been using it non stop since Friday and is definitely smoother. The best way to describe it, is like drinking a can of corona and then switching to a bottle of corona. The...
  16. Danksta

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    Very clever. I'll wait for the officials. Atleast we have a better ETA. Q2 hopefully This will allow me to get another toy instead....TERP SLURPER!!! :evil:
  17. Morty

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    ...right ? :hmm: @The Nature Boy I know this prob isn't what your looking for, but a 14mm M-F adapter w/ a screen worked well enough for me. Does it taste better than my 14mm Stubby bowl ? A little, but not nearly as dramatic a difference as say, using glass stems vs the stock stems in my Supreme.
  18. lazylathe

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    ...I received both of the new bowls, Pan-Head and Shovel-Head as well as the new Ti double weave screen, a few weeks ago! I also bought a 14mm stubby bowl! That's a grand total of 4 bowls for my FP! My Shovel-Head is set up with the Ti screen and a 14mm stem. The Pan-Head is using an 18mm stem...
  19. Shooby

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    ...yet. I only used a caliper to measure the 18mm post for the panhead and compared it to the ID of both the OG Bowl with handle and the 14mm stubby. But to answer you questions with what i am measuring. YES, the 18mm post is slightly large ID than the 14mm OG bowl and 14mm stubby. As for...
  20. squigger

    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    pretty high ,So the 18mm adjustabowl has a larger hole? It musthit diffrent with a larger brown spot so small hits can bbigger and more spread out.
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