Search results for query: firefly

  1. Dr. G

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    I keep telling my friends about this flavor this vape has that is wicked good. I just want them to try it just once...I grew up on the Firefly. I have the OG's...the flavor was great. This ALP, the flavor is BETTER...the Firefly always wins taste tests...I know there is a new contender. ALP. I...
  2. Dr. G

    Tetra P80

    The Firefly was the first vape I ever owned...I love the flavor. I am getting the hang of the Tetra...kinda burned a bit of my first bowl...getting the swing of it. When I go low on the temp...I get to taste nice terps. To be honest...I did not know where the Fire button was...and I kinda found...
  3. C

    Tetra P80

    ...time I heard of the p80 was that nights drop and I didn’t try for one but fell down the rabbit hole that night and came out with a used model within 2 weeks lol. I’m loving it so far, as far as taste the win goes to my firefly 2+ but usage wise the p80 adds so much and it’s flavor isn’t far off.
  4. Shit Snacks

    Discreet, stir-free, portable vaporizer with replaceable battery ?

    ...and use it, the technique and learning curve, it's all much worse than most other pure convection on demand... TM is great because it uses the glass stems as chamber and pathway, with a full temp range dial and easily replaceable standard batteries, it is a great upgrade from your Firefly...
  5. floribud

    Discreet, stir-free, portable vaporizer with replaceable battery ?

    If you like the Firefly but want no stirring I think the ALP is a great choice right now. It's shaped like the Firefly and I find it's similar in that the same temps get hotter with each successive draw. You can set session to 275 and do two really long Firefly style draws and by the 3d you'll...
  6. C

    Tetra P80

    ...and a tad more accu4ate temp, but its not that big of a deal especially when I bought 4 batteries. Getting prepared for this Friday… if usps comes through. ive Only owned a firefly 2 so I’m stoked for something a bit more powerful and versatile. I can actually use it with a water pipe if I want.
  7. Dr. G

    AirVape Legacy Pro a should be side by side with the rest of the popular lot when reviewed. My personal opinion is that the ALP knocked the Firefly from that standing of BEST FLAVOR. Some of these reviewers tell have not tried the Angus. I have. I own one. Vaping and vapes are so...
  8. ginolicious

    If you could only use one vape...

    I been using my firefly 2+ daily for years. I think I may be of a select few that use it that frequently. It’s usually my go to vape if I’m not on a break.
  9. GoldenBud

    Stem loaded devices

    when it's stem loaded AND conduction, usually there will be a lot of vapor. like Solo II @ 210C, and BAKx @ 200C+ when it's oven loaded idk... it heats the material before you inhale.... avoiding you to enjoy the full potential of the buds...
  10. Farid

    Stem loaded devices

    ...heat transfer methods. You could have a stem or an "oven" (though the tip of the stem is also an oven if we want to be semantic) for either. Plenty of examples of stems being used for both. Ovens are used for both as well- less common with convection but still exist (thermovape, v3, firefly)
  11. Pukka

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Yuppers, it's probably the best "non-dedicated" concentrate device I've used. Kind of like the Firefly on steroids but much better. I actually bought a Legacy SE on sale just for hash hits. It's also why I'm excited about the mod Airvape's doing to the SP Edition's max temp. Should make...
  12. Shit Snacks

    DynaVap vs. Battery vapes

    Sort of, that doesn't make it the same as other convection vapes though, tinymight is far superior (glass stem-based pure convection on demand is pretty tough to beat) Everyone is different as you see, sensitivities to different materials and styles of extraction, plenty of other variables...
  13. S

    DynaVap vs. Battery vapes

    I do prefer the flavor of the DV over the Firefly 2 +, however that could simply be due to more vapor production of the DV. Maybe if the FF2 produced more vapor I'd get more flavor. It just seems that I get the best balance of flavor and vapor production from the DV.
  14. cosimo

    DynaVap vs. Battery vapes

    @spokeydokey90 Do you prefer the flavor of the DV pver the flavor of the Firefly 2??? Not strange if you do though, ive got a friend who always uses his pax 2 instead of his Enano because "it tastes better", but id never choose a pax over an enano. go figure!
  15. D

    DynaVap vs. Battery vapes

    ...IH, so technically you're still using a 'battery vape'. The difference is the amount of control you have over oven heating vs the Pax. The firefly is convection, and while I've never used one, all of the reviews I've read seem to give it high marks for flavor. After the first couple of...
  16. S

    DynaVap vs. Battery vapes

    Yes, I've used the firefly 2 plus which is full convention, right? I've also used larger table vapes.
  17. Grass Yes

    DynaVap vs. Battery vapes

    I find the flavor of vapcaps to be pretty mediocre usually. I think there are many tasty torch-driven vapes, but that is not where the vapcap excels. It's an indestructible little fucker that can be pretty fun. I think it's a good introduction to vaping for experienced smokers vs a middling...
  18. S

    DynaVap vs. Battery vapes

    Hello all, I've recently moved away from battery vapes and have been enjoying DynaVap with an induction heater. I find that I get better flavor and vapor production from the vapcaps vs Pax or firefly vapes. How does this community feel about vapcaps vs traditional battery powered vapes?
  19. EarthworldTim

    Dabs on the go

    ...which is why I don't ever go for cheap ones but these days I'm almost exclusively using dry herb on the go. Just wanted to mention the Firefly 2+ as a potential candidate even though it's very pricey(cheaper than proxy but I imagine proxy provides a better experience) compared to nectar...
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