Search results for query: "error 5"

  1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: 5
  1. Pappy

    Arizer Solo II

    Got a bum Solo II. Getting Error 7 and Error 5 messages. Looks like I'm the first, again. Same day my Fusion Drive went south on my iMac. Mercury is in retrograde. Fuck everything!
  2. OF

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    Yes, they're about a push by the numbers. I've run 4 Ohms at 3.0 Volts (as low as my VV will go) and it still hits well IMO. Still too hot for PG in mild doses. I'd considered ordering fives to try even lower. That's 4.5 Watts, 5 Ohms on 3.7 is 5.5, 20% more power ..3 Watts, a fair drop but...
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