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  • :) Greetings ! Cool to see one of the FC OGs on board ! I saw your status as accessory maker and i wonder what are you making ? Got any pics or a thread ?Cheers !
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    hey there! around 2014 through 2016 i was building coils for concentrate use in common ecig RDAs. i dont do it anymore so the title prob needs to be removed. thanks for reaching out! FC OGs UNITE!!! :rockon:
    Great quote by Saul. Hope you can catch him when he tours the states this summer , fall.

    Can u tell me how your press is holding up? I love the design and really appreciate you taking the time to post. Mainly I would like to know if your design with current parts listed was enough for 5 tons of pressure?
    really sorry for the late reply! the press was only used a few times because a friend of mine copped a legit press. im not sure if i ever got it up to the 5tons. at some point i couldnt pump it anymore. the plates did bend, but it was slightly. ive still got it and its like brand new. :lol:
    Hey, your rosin press looks great! Im especially interested in what kind of heating elements you have in there since they seem quite low profile and sleek. Tried digging through that thread but its massive. Thanks!
    hey sorry for the late reply to this! the heaters are called "cartridge heaters". id have to do some digging to find the exact heaters i used, but you have probably moved on to something better by now. again sorry for my lateness.
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