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  • Be Kind!! Don't post images and pictures that force us to another website to view. I have 100% stopped following links that hijack me to other websites!
    Hi Vitolo,

    I saw several of your videos and read your profile. I know you are one of the most experienced Vaporists on the website. Soo I'm curious about your opinion. I wondered why is the Vapman not on your list? It seems like it would be one you liked. Is it because it's too small, but then I saw the ubie on your list...Anywa, Just curious. I just got it recently and have become a bit of a fangirl.
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    I noticed a video today of a new heating station that will be coming out for the Vapman. Someone in the forum talked about how it would benefit their medicating for bedside use in the middle of the night and it made me think of this conversation. Although it does have a small bowl, It might be more user friendly for medical patients now with the heating station.
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    Sorry it took so long to see your post here. So much has happened. I watched the video, and I loved the heating station. Very nice!
    Thanks for sending the info... good to know about this.
    The vapman was just a bit difficult for me to use. I apologize for answering 4 years late!
    Hey Vito, can you let me know what's the herbalizer easter egg? I've tried to put 420F and press two buttons togheter but didn't work.
    Just joined and looking for info on vapes. I see you have many so I thought I'd ask you,
    What vape would you recommend as a sort of coffee table vape? Currently using a Volcano but I was thinking of a bagless option. Looking at the SSV, Plenty, and possibly the Herbalizer.
    Mainly looking for something that's easy to use and not likely to break. The Volcano is a beast but I guess it's a bit cumbersome. Thanks!
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    My SSV has been on 24/7 for 4 years, and I do my 1st hit of the day using it.. to this day! I use a standard HC with a hand held wand.
    If you can afford to get an Herbalizer, it is a marvelous tool.
    The SSV is no slouch!
    Hey Vitolo,
    Again, thank you so much for the stems. Do you happen to have any power supplies?
    By the way, the stems are the way!
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    I am out of power supplies
    I like how you have a picture of yourself smoking on the Fuck Combustion website. You are your own man! I enjoy your posts too and your videos are always engaging even when it's just watching you take a hit. Keep up the good work good sir!
    Hey Vito I have a question for you, I love my Vapir NO2 but am looking for a plug in at home unit with more volume/ bigger hits than the NO2. My local shop has both a Digi Volcano and a Cloud which would YOU suggest? or neither?
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    of those two, I like the Volcano more
    Hi, wanted to ask, In your signature you have the (vapir) NO2 as one of your favorites. And you have an inhalater as well. How do those two compare?
    I've seen you a bunch on these boards and you are very knowledgable. Currently i own an omicron v2 and i love it. I'm trying to decide if i should trade in my omicron for a Persei so i can get the hercules flower addition. Is this the right move? Should i look into any other companies / vapes for a portablevape that does flower?
    Hey Vitolo I appreciate all your informational vids, I have just one question. You mentioned you leave your DBV on 24/7, at what temp do you leave it on standby, and can you see the element glowing faint orange or bright, or you just turn it down without shutting it off?
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    I turn it down at midnight without shutting it.. and put it back to 1 on the dial when I wake at 4 a.m.
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