Fearless Disaster
Well-Known Member
Hello! As an introductory tangent, I'd like to say that I personally have a no clone policy. I violated my own rule and got a prophet clone while I wait for my custom prophet to be built. I have no judgement of those that support the clone market, but for my own sense of integrity I wanted to state that. Please lets not let this post become a discussion about clones.
Back on topic!
I got this clone a couple of days ago and noticed upon first cleaning that its really hard to drain the water out completely. If you use soap you are in for a whole lot of rinses to get it out. I discovered that blowing air through the bowl end of the piece was great for flushing the water out. But drying was a pain. i got out all of the water i could then let it sit for a few hours to dry, then tipped it to get more water out, left it overnight, and there was still water in it in the morning.
So I got this 14mm joint borosilicate powder funnel from stonylab. Just now I cleaned the piece again and used to funnel to mate my heat gun up to the piece. I set the heat gun on 360F and the piece was dry in minutes.
I wanted to share this in case it can help anyone else who wants a dry piece right after cleaning. I'm new here, apologies if everyone already knows this

Edit: the funnel opening is 50mm wide and has a 14/20 ground glass joint at the bottom. they have other sizes too
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