Well-Known Member
While browsing came across this piece of glass on eBay:
Seems seriously underpriced, & a new seller with NO feedback.
What's your Spidey sense? SCAM or no SCAM?
How does this scam work? At least with eBay i know i won't lose my money if there is no delivery. How would this play out on DHgate or one of the other Chinesium companies?

14mm 6 in 1 Dimpled Cactus Cooling Whip Glass Dry Pipe Bubbler Kit | eBay
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 14mm 6 in 1 Dimpled Cactus Cooling Whip Glass Dry Pipe Bubbler Kit at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
What's your Spidey sense? SCAM or no SCAM?
How does this scam work? At least with eBay i know i won't lose my money if there is no delivery. How would this play out on DHgate or one of the other Chinesium companies?