Just asking


Lesser-Known Lurker
Does vaping, dry flower, make your weed supply last longer? I know that there are many variables. I cannot grow anymore, got busted, so now if I want to consume I have to buy. Airvape USA has caught my attention after watching Seniour Stoner.
Yes, dry herb vaping can be a lot more efficient than combustion. If you're interested in purchasing a device, let folks know what your use cases and objectives are and I'm sure you'll get good feedback. Good luck!

Note: it seems the Legacy Pro is well received by owners here on FC.


No thoughts, head empty
Does vaping, dry flower, make your weed supply last longer? I know that there are many variables. I cannot grow anymore, got busted, so now if I want to consume I have to buy. Airvape USA has caught my attention after watching Seniour Stoner.
For me when I was just starting out it made my 1g pickups go from a monthly purchase to quarterly. Over time though I have found myself using more due to increased tolerance and not needing to recover from/clean off the after effects of smoking, but I still only use about 1g per month. I think I count as a lightweight here though, I’ve heard some folks here who go through as much as 1g per session.

Airvape legacy pro does sound solid, only common complaint I’ve heard is that there’s a right angle bend in the airpath that’s difficult to access for cleaning, but is otherwise very solid. Will probably pick up a Pro 2 whenever it releases, but my current devices cover all my usual needs.

If you do want recommendations, folks will probably recommend at least one of the following devices: TinyMight2, Firewood 9, Mighty/Venty, any of the Planet of the Vapes entry level devices, and dynavap/vestratto anvil/dani fusion. Would recommend checking out the device threads for more info if you’re curious!


Active Member
but I still only use about 1g a month.
I'm there, with 0.7g of that being CBD flowers to have a more relaxed and bigger session, only CBD flowers throughout the day :nod:.
I'm in in the game how low you can go:cool:.
Does vaping, dry flower, make your weed supply last longer?
Everyone has to see for himself how much he wants or needs as a medical user.


Big and Bouncy
Does vaping, dry flower, make your weed supply last longer? I know that there are many variables. I cannot grow anymore, got busted, so now if I want to consume I have to buy. Airvape USA has caught my attention after watching Seniour Stoner.
Vaping dry flower is quite a bit more efficient as a general rule since combustion destroys and denatures a lot of the cannabinoids. My consumption declined to roughly 1/4 of what I used to use when combusting. Right now I'm hovering around 0.5g/day which I'm happy with but may try and reduce it by mixing in some CBD flower.

I owned an Airvape Legacy Pro for a couple of years and it's a great vape. The capsules are a must if you want to make cleaning it much easier.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Solid answers over there.

I'll just add that not all devices are equally efficient. Dose-wise the Vapman hits me harder than the TA. Some devices (like desktop ballvapes) tends to go through your stash fast... :2c:
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