Yo, this is HUGE! Can’t wait to see it in action!The ZXXL’s just finished production
Yo, this is HUGE! Can’t wait to see it in action!The ZXXL’s just finished production
2 things.Dealing with the reality that not everybody follows this forum though, so this doesn’t work as well for me as it used to.
Consider me one of the new faces! By the way, is there a good way to follow Phase3 news besides, well, this thread? I don't see an email sign-up on your site.
Yo, this is HUGE! Can’t wait to see it in action!
2 things.
Put a link to this thread prominately on your web site.
Maybe integrate an email option for your register users to get your posts here emailed to them. Like the "Grow Weed Easy" site does with their weekly newsletter.
(sorry, i lied) My ZX is still my at home daily, I've been experimenting with a olivewood DFreez One bowl while I'm excitedly awaiting the new ZX bowl. It's an interesting experience (after breaking the wood in), even my antique, abused tastebuds can tell the difference.
Anywho, have a delightful holiday, however you celebrate, and funkadelic new year.
Very excited to hear about the ZXXL. I can't wait to use mine when it arrives. @invertedisdead
Ah, I'm using all sorts of ad-blockers, so that must be why I missed it. I'll see if I can finagle a way to see it, and if not I'll be following along here. Thanks so much!There’s a Mail Chimp email sign up on the website I had added as a third party solution, as my ecommerce platform originally only allowed email collection from actual orders placed. The mailing list query should pop up after a few seconds, but I think if you close it out and your cookies aren’t cleared it might not pop up again, so it’s not perfect.
On Discord Red says he has some Black single units and he was going to do some prebuilts. Probably get more eyes on it in that thread or DMing Red directly:Does anyone know if Red still does any ATM drops? Would love to pick up a couple while I wait on my ZX
@invertedisdead From your testing can you tell me how long it would take the ZXXL to heat up to 550 degrees? Thank you,
I am super excited for my upcoming zx! I was wondering if heat soaking the bowl is a thing with the zx? or if it doesn't really matter since its all going to be extracted so fast anyway?
thank you!Thanks a ton for rocking with me friend!
I've played around with it but the ZX bowl will never get hot enough to vaporize your herbs through conduction, so heat soaking the bowl is not necessary.
It might milk up a rig a fraction quicker so maybe I'd do it for a video clip but overall it's not needed to get an excellent experience.
The ZXXL is my only model meant to get the bowl section hot enough to add minor conduction on the outer perimeter of the material.
You can heat the bowl up with another, much hotter, head to get it hotter than just a heat soak with the zx at normal vaping temp. I'm honestly not sure how much benefit you get from doing this though.
What I've found with my wireless zx experiments is that there isn't enough mass to make a second hit satisfying, so use it as intended as a one hitter without a clean up hit. Sadly though, I have a problem where I always need to fill a bowl, so in this instance a heated bowl will make a difference to the second, or clean up hit due to less energy being lost to the bowl. I do think it adds a little more sedation, but it's not really that dramatic and I don't think people are missing out.
I'm very much looking forward to the zxxl with the designed heat soak though. Hopefully that will make a more dramatic difference, even if I will always prefer pure convection at any other time of day than just before sleep.
I'm very much looking forward to the zxxl
Here’s the first official sneak peak at the new PHASE3 ZXXL
Just in time for that young tax returnSo I'm thinking the zxxl should be arriving by February at the soonest. Would that be an accurate assumption?
can't wait to get my zx/xxl in feb(based on your timetable approximations)- Handheld thermal battery type vape is still in development and will need at least another revision. There’s been some considerations in converting this to more of a hybrid experience than the current pure conduction prototype. The conduction only design may get ported over to a microdose specific concept meant to maximize efficiency with your stash and your lighter. TBD. Despite the popularity of this category it doesn’t represent my main consumption style so plan on this one taking longer.
- New 100% quartz vape…
This is what PHASE3 specializes in: ultra pure convection based extraction made possible by brand new PHASE3 high surface area technology; marking our full circle return to where we started, pushing the boundaries in glass and quartz.
Possibly some accessories for some of your other favorite vaporizersAnd maybe one really high end, small batch, boutique “passion project” device to round out the year.
Thanks again to everyone reading and supporting who makes this possible, appreciate you all following along for the journey, and let’s all have a healthy, happy, and herby new year.
Kind regards friends,
For the record: Very interested in a zxxl if they become available again.Just for the tinkerers: You can reduce the efficiency of the heater head by substituting the 3MM sapphires for larger or less efficient gems like, say, zirconia; this will require a higher set point to achieve the same air temperatures, and will allow more heat transfer directly to the bowl.
That being said, changing the beads will also modify the convective properties as well, so it’s not a perfect solution, but it is an interesting experiment.
Salute to the entire univerZe for holding it down, I greatly appreciate everyone’s patience and support!
In the spirit of “Good things come to those who wait”
Here’s the first official sneak peak at the new PHASE3 ZXXL
What’s left to do?
The handles shown above are the handles for the bowl; the heater handles need to be sent out for their wooden handle to complete this kit and ensure a perfect fit. These are totally done other than waiting on the wooden heater handle.
Right now I’m just waiting on the ZX’s and 3 shelf bowls to be completed. My manufacturer finished the ZX’s just over a week ago, but during final inspection they informed me that there was a programming error which affected some key tolerances.
Replacements are in production right now and I’m told they should be completed around Jan 10. Everything should still be shipping out this month but will likely be closer to the end of the month as I still will need to clear customs, sort, assemble, photograph, packaged, process, and mail everything by myself.
Thank you kindly for everyone’s patience and cooperation
What’s coming from PHASE3 in 2025?
- ZXL relaunch starting up as soon as these ZXXL’s go out, if you’ve been hoping for those to resurface keep your eyes peeled for that!
- ZXXL’s will return pending interest/demand, I’ve been getting some messages asking about the next round so that’s a good sign. Hoping the official launch drums up enough interest to do more of them.
- Handheld thermal battery type vape is still in development and will need at least another revision. There’s been some considerations in converting this to more of a hybrid experience than the current pure conduction prototype. The conduction only design may get ported over to a microdose specific concept meant to maximize efficiency with your stash and your lighter. TBD. Despite the popularity of this category it doesn’t represent my main consumption style so plan on this one taking longer.
- New 100% quartz vape…
This is what PHASE3 specializes in: ultra pure convection based extraction made possible by brand new PHASE3 high surface area technology; marking our full circle return to where we started, pushing the boundaries in glass and quartz.
Possibly some accessories for some of your other favorite vaporizersAnd maybe one really high end, small batch, boutique “passion project” device to round out the year.
Thanks again to everyone reading and supporting who makes this possible, appreciate you all following along for the journey, and let’s all have a healthy, happy, and herby new year.
Kind regards friends,
Wow all sounds great feel like a kid in a high end candy store
So I'm thinking the zxxl should be arriving by February at the soonest. Would that be an accurate assumption?
i think right now if i could get essentially a tempest with an entirely glass/zirc airpath and an induction sleeve or something to allow it to work with an ih heater as well as torch id be ecstatic i think thats my dream device for that style/size.
i am very very curious to see what this passion project device is though, and hopefully will get in on that, as based on your history its probably something id like.
@invertedisdead what wood did you go with for the handles?
100% quartz vape seems quite interesting as a result as well though no clue what form factor/style youre looking at for that.
For the record: Very interested in a zxxl if they become available again.
If I wasn't already a fan you would have just won me over. This was me for SO many years. I've been trying to get converted from smoking to vaping on and off since the 2000's and only finally managed it last year. This not only sounds awesome but could genuinely help even more people finally be able to stop destroying their lungs.I'm a little curious about blowing it up and going larger to try and do something really unique and potent for heavier bong smokers who are looking to try vaping.