Frankenstein desktop bong


Maybe not the oldest, but possibly the fartiest!

I took what I had on hand and made myself a franken-desktop bong!

I started with a Blown Glass Co beaker bong and figured out a way to have it situated so the dynavap is straight up, and the bong is angled to best use the water in the base. I then use the whip and mouthpiece from my Iceborn. I really like the Iceborn, but it’s too much of a hassle to use regularly. I found a silicon stopper on Ali (only thing I had to order). Putting the hole in the stopper was a challenge. I drilled a starter hole and used an exacto knife to finish the hole. Finally the base. A few cuts on the mitre saw with some scrape wood and some glue.

I’ve only used the new rig a few times, but I’m happy with it. Also, it quite the conversation piece.

Just thought this might bring a smile to folks here.
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Maybe not the oldest, but possibly the fartiest!
Here's my latest revision. I completely rebuilt it! Seems to work well, but I won't really use it until it's warmer outside (late spring) Purple top because I had extra purple paint :-) the top just fits over the 4 dowels and stays there with gravity.




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