Cannabis poisonings

Grass Yes

Staff member
Lol "cannabis poisonings". This specifically is defined as:
When people have cannabis poisoning, according to Stall, they may experience confusion; psychosis, including hallucinations; anxiety or panic attacks; rapid heartbeat; chest pain; nausea; and vomiting.
So typical and non dangerous side effects from getting too high. I agree that people should control their dose, but calling this poisoning in the headline is obviously a scare tactic.

Compare to alcohol poisoning where the impacts are permanent organ damage and death. No one is getting their stomach pumped for eating too many edibles.


Well-Known Member
Article defines Cannabis Poisoning as anyone going to the ER with negative symptoms? It does not mention what the treatment for it is. Is it to just wait it out? If so, if these ppl were educated on the negative effects of consuming too high a dose, they wouldn’t be marching themselves into the ER, just stay home and wait it out.

Type of article that right wing religious nuts will take a hold of and start shouting at the wind


Well-Known Member
CNN always pulls this shit. What other "poisoning" ends with you getting a good night's sleep?

In a way, CNN's college educated reefer madness, where they misrepresent actual scientific studies, might be more dangerous than Fox's "the weed these days is turning kids into violent murderers" bullshit.


Big and Bouncy
Also love how they conflate "cannabis" with "edibles". As if these "cannabis poisonings" are happening from people smoking or vaping too much weed.

Edibles, and their unnaturally high potential dosage format are the problem. Not cannabis. And even so, as has been mentioned, cannabis "poisoning" 🙄 is far more tame than alcohol poisoning which is fatal without intervention.
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Agent Provocateur
This got me thinking :lol: , is there a treatment for cannabis poisoning ? I always thought you just hunker down and wait it out. Here's what I find when googling, " What is the antidote for cannabis poisoning" ?.
Treatment of acute cannabinoid overdose with naloxone infusion. Naloxone in case you didn't know is what they give Opioid overdoses ,

Other methods mentioned are benzodiazepines , gabapentin, and other mood stabilizers . I never heard of using Naloxone or any other drugs to treat weed overdose , I have heard chewing on peppercorns will bring you down fast :lmao:.
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Well-Known Member
I know it's not the thread for quotes but....

"Marijuana is one of the least toxic substances in the whole pharmacopoeia" - Lester Grinspoon

It's always the same thing, people new to weed eat too much edibles or smoke too much because they do not know it better or they mix it with alcohol and get some side effects -> Conclusion: Weed is bad and dangerous. All the marijuana haters love those statements inflate them and spread them whenever they can.
But what happens if I'm new to alcohol and I drink too much or I have a bad headache and I take a whole package of ibuprofen because it can't be dangerous if i can buy it in the supermarket....I think the effects would be much worser :rip:
Nobody would complain if he or she drank too much and they feel sick the next day. No they will do it again.
There are so many things around that could kill us if we overdose it but nobody is concerned! But Marijuana is bad :hmm:

To all people who want to try cannabis the first time because you are traveling to a country where it's legal or because it became legal where you live: Take it slow or even better ask somebody to "assist" you and you will have a nice and pleasurable experience.
Imagine yourself you lived in the jungle with no contact to civilization and somebody gives you a bottle of vodka and a big pack of painkillers, the chance to kill yourself is relatively high because you don't know anything about those substances and the dosage.
Ignorance or inexperience causes a lot of "Cannabis poisonings"

Another quote from Lester Grinspoon:
Cannabis is remarkably safe. Although not harmless, it is surely less toxic than most of the conventional medicines it could replace if it were legally available. Despite its use by millions of people over thousands of years, cannabis has never caused an overdose death.”

So don't be scared relax, eat some sweets, drink water, chill somewhere and the negative effects would go away. Nothing bad or life threatening will happen. You will not die ;)


Well-Known Member
When people have cannabis poisoning, according to Stall, they may experience confusion; psychosis, including hallucinations; anxiety or panic attacks; rapid heartbeat; chest pain; nausea; and vomiting.

This is also what happens when you drink too much coffee. Or even just a "normal day" if you have ptsd. In both cases weed is the cure not the cause.
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