JyARz Storage Containers


Recently purchased different jyarz’s.

Love - ‘Chico’ based on size, color, quality
Hate - ‘new classic’ for several reasons:
- glass is not connected to plastic and easily slides out
- not rounded bottom
- to tall to comfortably use straw method on certain stems in case u use storage for the grounded material


Well-Known Member
Bumping this
Also how do you all label your different jars ? Was gonna get several black ones but needed a way to differentiate between them
I use these masking tape circles/discs (1" ones) to label my Jyarz. They fit perfectly on top of the classics for instance. Label maker labels also stick well to these, whereas labels don't stick well to Jyarz by themselves in my experience.


Innovative Glass lined containers @ www.jyarz.com
I’d also like to know. It estimated 8-10 weeks when I ordered two 20 weeks ago.
Development has taken horribly long so anyone who pre-ordered a 3G can get their money back just email support@jyarz.com and i will issue a refund.

I had an issue with the design that I couldn’t figure out hoe to solve but finally after many many attempts we have a solution. Now we are fine tuning the design.

At this point I won’t even try to predict when we will ship but I think thst date is coming into view st last.

I am starting with the Classic sized glass and will offer the new design in the other sizes subsequently.

Its been a ling and painful road but I refuse to release crap so I simply won’t do it. My apologies for the long long lkng delay.

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