Phase3 Vaporizers


Any recommendations on coil/pid?

I'm going to go broke watching this thread...

I don't have any preferences for heaters as they all use the same coils so the function is essentially the same.
This will work with any 25MM wireless heater.
Cobra coil, Dab Ready, Zenleaf, Clampy, ETC!

I have some designs floating around for my own heating stations but there's no immediate plans right now to release one of my own.

wiresless ordered. Diffuser!!! Wow!

Thanks so much for rocking with me since the very beginning my friend! :wave:

AND a diffuser?? This is awesome!!

The original ZXXL concept used the same bowl as the ZXL, but when polled the vote was a landslide for the diffuser so I had to design a new bowl and handle.

Yes it's a diffuser, and the first in the phase 3 range.
Also the only wireless zircon vape ball on the market

The last diffuser I made was a prototype from a few years ago before I started this company.

And it looks like the bowl has two machined zirconia screens? Wonder if the heater has one too?

That's the heater assembly with the machined screen bottom and threaded top.
The bowl has two screen shelf positions just like the ZXL.


Vaping today is still a tiny percent of consumers. Worldwide the number is like 1% at most of all users. Plus there are now a lot of options. The competition in a small market is tough.

Yeah the dry herb vape market is small enough as-is, but this boutique vape stuff presents an additional number of challenges as most people are shopping at the entry level so the volume of orders is much lower.

I haven’t been around here in a while but that zxxl wireless made me twist my neck reaching for the cc so fast. Kudos dude, that thing is looking sleek! I can’t wait to rip it.

Thanks so much for the opportunity to be here! Appreciate your trust! Cheers dude! Thanks for rocking with the Z Team!

Any chance we can see what the threads look like? I’d think a thicker thread would be beneficial for longevity especially if people want to swap out ball material, but I also know you know a lot more about the design of all of this stuff than I do.

Is there a difference in the durability of your black zirconia vs the white zirconia used by others for wired heads?

I’ve been interested in this idea since you announced it. I was tempted by the zxl but have been waiting to see your wireless design


Black and white zirconia are the same material, but white zirconia is going to show all the marks from being inserted in the coil.
My first official vape from this company was made of white zirconia but the coil installation was way too time consuming to clean up afterwards.



Art is beauty
Love that Z8 but the ZX is an improved design. Z8 is still one of the coolest heads. Super cool. The ZX is a nice upgrade with the screens and other changes plus the bowls are great!!

Yes lots of people need to be frugal these days. Even if cannabis is medicine we all bear those costs out of pocket. It’s a real challenge. Wishing everyone all the best.


Well-Known Member
No, i think Ryan and me had a misunderstanding in our emails. Off course 220v will work. I think Ryan thought that i need 230v, as that is what i have stated in my order. We always say 230v here in the EU. Sorry if that confused you Ryan. So am i correct in assuming that it was all a misunderstanding? Help me out Ryan…
220v is international standard. In my country UK we use 230v, but there is a 20v allowance either side. So 210, 220, 230, 240, 250v are all compatible with UK mains.

You should be able to find out if the 220v will work for you with a simple Google search. I would almost guarantee it would work.

Also Ryan has went above and beyond by creating a PID and custom coil kit for international users imo. I normally have the headache of matching up components from multiple sources.


Well-Known Member
Love that Z8 but the ZX is an improved design. Z8 is still one of the coolest heads. Super cool. The ZX is a nice upgrade with the screens and other changes plus the bowls are great!!

Yes lots of people need to be frugal these days. Even if cannabis is medicine we all bear those costs out of pocket. It’s a real challenge. Wishing everyone all the best.
I consider the Z8/X my top powered gear but the ZXL's flavor is incredible. I bet that the ZXXL will be like that too. It's not cheap but there's every reason to expect performance on par with the price, imo.

Flavor Vaper

Well-Known Member
I'm still on the fence about this because it's going to involve quite an investment for me personally. If I spend this much on a diffuser, I'm going to have to get a dab ready as well, along with new 18 mm glass, so it's already looking like $1,000ish.

What kind of performance difference can we expect of this compared to the ZX, @invertedisdead? I'm guessing just bigger clouds? Probably more of a convenience upgrade than anything else, I'm thinking. And do you know when you're going to close pre-orders?



Art is beauty
I'm still on the fence about this because it's going to involve quite an investment for me personally. If I spend this much on a diffuser, I'm going to have to get a dab ready as well, along with new 18 mm glass, so it's already looking like $1,000ish.

What kind of performance difference can we expect of this compared to the ZX, @invertedisdead? I'm guessing just bigger clouds? Probably more of a convenience upgrade than anything else, I'm thinking. And do you know when you're going to close pre-orders?


If you have a pid the Disorderly Conduction Cobra Coil is less than a dab ready. That would save some.

Grass Yes

Staff member
I'm still on the fence about this because it's going to involve quite an investment for me personally. If I spend this much on a diffuser, I'm going to have to get a dab ready as well, along with new 18 mm glass, so it's already looking like $1,000ish.
I think it's an expensive vape, no doubt. Although I don't believe it requires a Dab Ready. I happily use this set up for both my 25mm wireless ball vapes:

It's just a Crossing micro PID controller inside a 3D printed case from @jkeyes98 . The whole thing, including the 25mm axial coil was less than $100.


Art is beauty
I think it's an expensive vape, no doubt. Although I don't believe it requires a Dab Ready. I happily use this set up for both my 25mm wireless ball vapes:

It's just a Crossing micro PID controller inside a 3D printed case from @jkeyes98 . The whole thing, including the 25mm axial coil was less than $100.
Really cool option!!!

What pid do you use?

Grass Yes

Staff member
Really cool option!!!

What pid do you use?
That PID controller is the crossing tech micro PID controller. It comes with the screwball, TKO, and a few other kits. You can also find it pretty cheaply on Ali. It's totally fine although not my favorite pid controller.

I prefer my Auber RDK 300B, but this is a great option for a simple all-in-one station. Because of that I have dedicated it to 25mm devices exclusively.

I know that Jkeyes also makes enclosures for other controllers. Can't recommend them enough.


Art is beauty
That PID controller is the crossing tech micro PID controller. It comes with the screwball, TKO, and a few other kits. You can also find it pretty cheaply on Ali. It's totally fine although not my favorite pid controller.

I prefer my Auber RDK 300B, but this is a great option for a simple all-in-one station. Because of that I have dedicated it to 25mm devices exclusively.

I know that Jkeyes also makes enclosures for other controllers. Can't recommend them enough.
Thanks. Cool enclosure.


Well-Known Member
I just placed my pre-order and thought of a few potential accessories. One is a perfectly fitted funnel to help with loading it. Another recommendation is a machined stainless steel or titanium screen that fits into the ZXXL bowl.


I'm still on the fence about this because it's going to involve quite an investment for me personally. If I spend this much on a diffuser, I'm going to have to get a dab ready as well, along with new 18 mm glass, so it's already looking like $1,000ish.

What kind of performance difference can we expect of this compared to the ZX, @invertedisdead? I'm guessing just bigger clouds? Probably more of a convenience upgrade than anything else, I'm thinking. And do you know when you're going to close pre-orders?


Copied from another post:

The plan is to build 50 complete units. I’m going to run the preorder this entire month, and we need to sell at least half of them to bring this project to life. Otherwise preorders will be refunded, as the manufacturing cost at this low volume, for this complex of a part is super expensive, and this one has the most components of anything we’ve released.

This one is for the hardcore enthusiasts, I don’t anticipate it being a big seller but I said I would do it so hopefully it gets to see production!

It’s going to be similar to the ZXL but will have a bit of a minor conduction boost from the new bowl design, sitting closer to the heater for nearly instant tasty whitewalled vapor production with snappy high airflow. Most similar to my 18MM Sandcastle Vapor Wand, which was the first wireless heated ball vape that I know of.

The price is mostly based on the super low volume and number of components involved.
It’s a boutique piece and there probably won’t be a lot of them.

I think it's an expensive vape, no doubt. Although I don't believe it requires a Dab Ready. I happily use this set up for both my 25mm wireless ball vapes:

It's just a Crossing micro PID controller inside a 3D printed case from @jkeyes98 . The whole thing, including the 25mm axial coil was less than $100.

That’s sweet!

I had some cool ideas for making my own PID controller, but that’s a pretty cool take.

I just placed my pre-order and thought of a few potential accessories. One is a perfectly fitted funnel to help with loading it. Another recommendation is a machined stainless steel or titanium screen that fits into the ZXXL bowl.

Thanks for your support and suggestions my dude! Love to see you back here for this one!

I can look into that.

The funnel might be a good add-on with the ZX too as the smaller bowl can be harder to find the right loading tool (I use a tasting spoon from an ice cream shop lol)

My new hybrid desktop concept has a machined screen - It was just quoted and approved for production a couple days ago, but I suppose I might be working on this project right now 😅

Trying to complete more of these concepts.


Well-Known Member
new hybrid desktop
What would be the main differences between the ZXXL and the new one. Is it a simplified version of the ZXXL or a completely new design? Is the ZXXL the same thing as the ZXHybrid you mentioned before or is that the new one you're talking about now? ZXHybrid is a good name too if you aren't using it for the new one.

Edit: Also a pre order counter would be great so we can see the progress.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
I have a few questions to anyone really, regarding the wireless 25mm.

Is the 25mm referring to the coil size?

Would the mass and amount of balls in this piece be similar to the wired 20mm coil variant?

Would the higher amount of mass and balls in this piece translate to more heat going into the lungs, needing larger cooling glass pieces compared to the ZX?

Can wireless formats only be done in this larger size due to the required heat capacity to maintain working temp while drawing?


Art is beauty
I have a few questions to anyone really, regarding the wireless 25mm.

Is the 25mm referring to the coil size?

Would the mass and amount of balls in this piece be similar to the wired 20mm coil variant?

Would the higher amount of mass and balls in this piece translate to more heat going into the lungs, needing larger cooling glass pieces compared to the ZX?

Can wireless formats only be done in this larger size due to the required heat capacity to maintain working temp while drawing?


Can’t answer all the questions but

1. Yes 25mm is a standard size.

2. And 3. That’s for Phase 3

4. Right now 25mm is the standard for wireless. There is one company making wireless on 20mm for legacy customers. I’ve seen DIY with 16mm coils as well.

Hopefully we will see a smaller wireless diffuser in terms of the coil size soon (Maybe Phase 3).



Feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again
Let's find out

“…and Filled with 3MM Lab Cultured Ruby/Sapphire Gems…” :love:

Every. Single. Time.

Grass Yes

Staff member
Right now 25mm is the standard for wireless. There is one company making wireless on 20mm for legacy customers. I’ve seen DIY with 16mm coils as well.

I would not say that it's even a de facto standard. The first commercial wireless ball vape was 25mm (Terp Hammer from Brian). The next one was 20mm. Cannabis Hardware and Tiodw make both sizes. I suspect we'll see even more of both sizes coming soon.

I personally own two 25mm and one 20mm wireless ball vapes. I like them all but the 20mm one works the most reliably. Obviously the coil size is not the only factor, but as the screwball demonstrates, you do have to compensate for a larger space in the middle.


Art is beauty
I would not say that it's even a de facto standard. The first commercial wireless ball vape was 25mm (Terp Hammer from Brian). The next one was 20mm. Cannabis Hardware and Tiodw make both sizes. I suspect we'll see even more of both sizes coming soon.

I personally own two 25mm and one 20mm wireless ball vapes. I like them all but the 20mm one works the most reliably. Obviously the coil size is not the only factor, but as the screwball demonstrates, you do have to compensate for a larger space in the middle.

CH also has a 25mm wireless setup. It was released before the newer 20mm heads. While wireless doesn’t have a standard currently 25, 20, and 16mm are all common coil sizes. As such any can be used wirelessly. I rigged a 16mm coil from DNail to use with 16mm auto spinner bangers. That wa a DIY wireless setup.


I have a few questions to anyone really, regarding the wireless 25mm.

Is the 25mm referring to the coil size?

Would the mass and amount of balls in this piece be similar to the wired 20mm coil variant?

Would the higher amount of mass and balls in this piece translate to more heat going into the lungs, needing larger cooling glass pieces compared to the ZX?

Can wireless formats only be done in this larger size due to the required heat capacity to maintain working temp while drawing?

25MM is the coil size and the outer diameter of the vape housing.

It’s got more mass than the ZXL as it’s physically larger.

There will always be more latent heat anytime you vape more herb at once. There’s nothing you can do to change that besides vaporizing something stronger. That’s why the 14MM ZX is my favorite lil crusher.

Smaller wireless vapes can be done, my idea to release last year (I think) was for 14MM bowls; but 25MM is the “standard size” as they are all based off enail coils and 25mm was the most popular format for quite a few years, though smaller diameter sizes are becoming more popular again, 25MM is still the most popular by far for coil heated bangers. Since the earlier wireless ball heaters piggyback off this banger heating capability, they are also 25MM.

My original wireless prototype when I came up with the concept was based off the 20MM size. It’s buried deep in this thread somewhere 😅 you can find it under “electric sandcastle”
Another one I missed the boat on 🚣😂

“…and Filled with 3MM Lab Cultured Ruby/Sapphire Gems…” :love:

Every. Single. Time.

Just like the first post of the first page of this thread 😄 the goal since day one was always to get the purity of my sapphire / ruby dab setup in a dry herb format! 🙏


Well-Known Member
Will the ZXXL feature the previously mentioned taper between the bowl and the heater? This would be great for passing around and for leaving the wireless unit on top of the bowl throughout a session. Given its size, I imagine you could likely clear a bowl without needing to reheat it, especially if it has a good seal. We should make a list of the unique features the ZXXL has that differentiates it from the rest of the market.


Well-Known Member
Could ZXL or a diffuser such as ZXXL (let's pretend this is not wireless to reduce variables) be more suitable than ZX for doing a few hits with one bowl instead of one? And maybe work even better at low temperatures because of the greater mass?

Are these two fast enough as the ZX to change temperatures?

For everyone who has ZXL, what is the minimum amount that you can effectively use in the bowl and what is the average amount that you use?

Do you find the ZXL more comfortable in the throat/lungs than the ZX due to greater airflow of the former than the latter?


Art is beauty
I know a person that uses the Screwball one of the largest diffusers and his load is 0.04 gr!! It’s crazy how little he uses. Even with large heads the load size can vary though most people use more in the larger diameter vapes. I know I do which is one reason I love the ZX. Helps me use less weed and still get as high.
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