Cannabis and heart attack/stroke


Well-Known Member
For those that have seen the news regarding a new study showing cannabis use and increase in cardiovascular events. According to the large study, the results apply to vaping as well.
Any comments are appreciated.
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Well-Known Member
Can highly relate to high blood pressure and increased cardiovascular activity when vaping regularly.
Currently on a T-Break since January 1st and I feel much better regarding this.
Diet is the same, plant based and whole fruits & veggies mostly.


Well-Known Member
Can highly relate to high blood pressure and increased cardiovascular activity when vaping regularly.
Currently on a T-Break since January 1st and I feel much better regarding this.
Diet is the same, plant based and whole fruits & veggies mostly.
may i ask some questions out of curiosity?
1. what devices did you use for vaping?
2. how often did you vape?
3. where did you get your herbs (blackmarket, dispensary, homegrown, etc)?
4. did you have a specific type of herb you prefered (indica, sativa, high thc, low thc, thc+cbd,etc)?


Well-Known Member
Sure mate!
Used to vape 3-5 times per day with different devices, mostly Crafty+, old Omni with IH and Herborizer Ti through small bubblers in the evenings.
Most of my stuff came from other growers, some indoor some outdoor, legalization has not happened yet in Germany sadly, but hopefully April 1st will make it happen :)
I used to vape all types of weed, I cant really say I prefer one over the other when it comes to Indica or Sativa, both depending on the activity and mood. But I stayed away from the strong Haze if I could, since that always made me feel terrible body- and headwise (Nervousness, Paranoia).
Feel like high THC strains gave me more increased heartbeat than the "normal" stuff.


Agent Provocateur
Too many variables to come to any conclusions. Is my CAD due to my eating too much red meat and not exercising , or my weed usage ?


Well-Known Member
I agree, but I dont eat any meat and exercise a lot.
Only had heart problems when also using weed, so for me it was very obvious.
But every body is different, what might affect me might not affect others to the same intent.


Well-Known Member
I agree, but I dont eat any meat and exercise a lot.
Only had heart problems when also using weed, so for me it was very obvious.
But every body is different, what might affect me might not affect others to the same intent.
Sorry to hear.
The problem is how does one know if the daily consumption of cannabis is gradually decreasing the functioning of their heart?
Since stopping cannabis your blood pressure has decreased? Have you lost weight, which also decreases blood pressure?
If your blood pressure was in the normal range for your age, would you continue to enjoy cannabis?
I don’t recall elevated blood pressure was a measure of cardiovascular disease in the study.


Well-Known Member
The problem is how does one know if the daily consumption of cannabis is gradually decreasing the functioning of their heart?
Since stopping cannabis your blood pressure has decreased? Have you lost weight, which also decreases blood pressure?
If your blood pressure was in the normal range for your age, would you continue to enjoy cannabis?
I don’t recall elevated blood pressure was a measure of cardiovascular disease in the study.
I can say by measuring several times myself over different days, when I consume cannabis my blood pressure decreases significant. It was around 10 -15 mmHg if I recall correctly.
But this is just a single case and I've read the complete opposite effect as well though it was moderated by something else if I remember right.
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Well-Known Member
Too many variables to come to any conclusions. Is my CAD due to my eating too much red meat and not exercising , or my weed usage ?
Well, I'm currently in school for Plant Based Nutrition Specialist Certification and I earned my Plant Based Chefs Certification last year. My immediate guess would be the red meat bc it is now listed as a class 1 carcinogen. It is horrible for us. There are plenty of studies to back it up. However, with all things and moderation in perspective, that's hard to answer bc so many things factor into one's health- are you vaping a butt load of weed? Do you eat the standard American shit diet? Are you active at all? Do you have any genetic factors at play? I can promise you though that cutting way back or eliminating red meat will only help you and not harm you


Agent Provocateur
Well, I'm currently in school for Plant Based Nutrition Specialist Certification and I earned my Plant Based Chefs Certification last year. My immediate guess would be the red meat bc it is now listed as a class 1 carcinogen. It is horrible for us. There are plenty of studies to back it up. However, with all things and moderation in perspective, that's hard to answer bc so many things factor into one's health- are you vaping a butt load of weed? Do you eat the standard American shit diet? Are you active at all? Do you have any genetic factors at play? I can promise you though that cutting way back or eliminating red meat will only help you and not harm you
Again there are too many variables as noted in your post. Yeah red meat is bad, but having a big hunk of ribeye sounds glorious to me 😉 ! Just my opinion but, the haters have been saying weed is bad for you for decades, I’m still waiting to hear about all the deaths from using it 🤔. Weed isn’t for everyone, but for those of us who use it medically it’s a Godsend!


Well-Known Member
American shit diet?

"No I don't use marijuanas. Too unhealthy."



Well-Known Member
Again there are too many variables as noted in your post. Yeah red meat is bad, but having a big hunk of ribeye sounds glorious to me 😉 ! Just my opinion but, the haters have been saying weed is bad for you for decades, I’m still waiting to hear about all the deaths from using it 🤔. Weed isn’t for everyone, but for those of us who use it medically it’s a Godsend!
And that's exactly why I'm still over here vaping- bc I don't know of anyone getting sick or dying from vaping weed.
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