Need help deciding for a vape after long break TM2/DynaVap/Anvil/Tempest/Stickbrick


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I am really looking forward to buy a new vape after a long T-break.
In the past I owned a MFLB as a starter vape and changed after a while for a Mighty.

While the MFLB was ok for the beginning I did not like with how many parts it came.
The Mighty was a great 2nd vape but what I really disliked about it was the session length.
From time to time I loved a longer session but more often I would love to be ready in 1-3 hits.
Before my T-Break i sold the device.

Now I narrowed my choice for my new vape to four:

- TInymight2

- Dynavap

- Anvil

- Tempest

- Any Stickybrick

What I am mainly looking for is:

- The possibility to clear a bowl really fast (does not necessarily have to be in one go (especially if it causes irritation)). It would be nice if it could be used as a session vape but it is not the main focus.

- It is as gentle as possible on the throat (I used to get irritated on the Mighty)

Bonus points for:

- Being analog. Would not be the case for the TinyMight2, but man does this vape sound great otherwise.

- Being able to vape casually as well blast myself into the stratosphere.

- Flavour

- Ease of use. I am ok with some learning curve

Maybe there is someone here owning some of these vapes and could give his opinion on the matter?

Thanks in advance


Active Member
As someone that recently got into vaping you have did a pretty good job narrowing it down IMO.

I only own 2 vapes and can really recommend both the TM2 and Dynavap. I am only giving you opinions on what I have owned/used even though I have read a LOT on here. If you want the ability to clear a bowl fast and get on with doing something else, hands down TM2. Many others will tell you this as well. It's on demand convection (It has a session mode). I personally use it with the stock stem and cooling unit and most of the time that is good, but will probably get another stem soon. I have never really used it in session mode (tried once and was not a fan).

Dynavap, takes longer as it is a small bowl. Since I have just got the hang of mine and started to enjoy it, it's a minimum 2 pack to get me where I want to be unless I am trying to micro-dose for like daytime then it is 1 pack of the bowl. Once you find what works for you it is a great device.

The rest I can't comment on but the tempest has a lot of hype here and I think is officially released the 13th now.

Might be worth browsing my recent VAS thread as there were some great comments in that.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I am really looking forward to buy a new vape after a long T-break.
In the past I owned a MFLB as a starter vape and changed after a while for a Mighty.

While the MFLB was ok for the beginning I did not like with how many parts it came.
The Mighty was a great 2nd vape but what I really disliked about it was the session length.
From time to time I loved a longer session but more often I would love to be ready in 1-3 hits.
Before my T-Break i sold the device.

Now I narrowed my choice for my new vape to four:

- TInymight2

- Dynavap

- Anvil

- Tempest

- Any Stickybrick

What I am mainly looking for is:

- The possibility to clear a bowl really fast (does not necessarily have to be in one go (especially if it causes irritation)). It would be nice if it could be used as a session vape but it is not the main focus.

- It is as gentle as possible on the throat (I used to get irritated on the Mighty)

Bonus points for:

- Being analog. Would not be the case for the TinyMight2, but man does this vape sound great otherwise.

- Being able to vape casually as well blast myself into the stratosphere.

- Flavour

- Ease of use. I am ok with some learning curve

Maybe there is someone here owning some of these vapes and could give his opinion on the matter?

Thanks in advance
Sounds like you really want a Brick--get yourself a Brick! They're solid, easy, and even though they're very powerful, they're also gentle enough for chest-cold use because they have huge range and can be subtly controlled. You can tailor the load to your needs: as long as the screen's covered it'll work, from one-hit to party bowl. You can kill it all in one sesh or work your way through it over the afternoon. They're great!

A Lotus is also like a brick but without the butane in the vapor path, and more restriction. Not as chest-cold worthy with the restriction, I'm afraid.
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Well-Known Member
These are pretty different options.

Of these only one I'd consider a heavy hitter is the Anvil. There are smaller bowls and the type of hit will really depend where you hit it. But since it can hit hard, gotta be careful when using if you want to avoid that. And the new Thermocore of theirs is really killer and gives a lovely puffing experience with the XL mouthpiece that reminds me of joints/blunts. Only butane vape that previously did that for me is Thermal Accumulator. And I like that stock stem can be used in 14mm glass joints.

Dynavap is a great option if you want a nice measured dose and you are much less likely to get in trouble with intensity of hits on that one. And huge aftermarket scene if that rabbit hole appeals. Clicks on both Anvil and DV are also nice, especially as you are learning the devices.

Sticky Bricks are great but getting back closer to heavy hitter territory. And there is learning curve there. Most likely to combust of these options if you aren't paying attention or don't have your technique down. Also the biggest bowls of these by a good deal. And probably the least efficient usage of flower. But big clouds and you can modulate the type of hit you get with your torch technique. Learning curve is a bit steeper for the Junior, but that is my fave due to everything being enclosed. My other fave enclosed vape of this style is the OWW Micro v4, which I believe will have a smaller bowl than any of the Sticky Bricks.

Haven't tried the TM2, but with such a robust aftermarket stem scene for it, I wonder if that could be due to the vapor being a bit harsh or hot. A tradeoff of the extraction that lots of people love from it.

For me, I'd go Anvil. But think hard on what from those descriptions above would work best for you. Gotta pay attention if you want that casual experience from it and Sticky Brick, likewise for flavor since you usually give up some flavor as hits become more intense.

Will be curious to hear more impressions of Tempest. Had Mad Heaters original Revolve stem, but got too hot for my taste. But on the other hand Thermal Accumulator is another fave that has a nice casual puffing vibe so intrigued by their involvement in this project.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Yeah sounds like you should get the TM2, unless you really want to try messing around with the butane options, they are fun and very different, but TM is much more versatile and useful, it feels analog with the temp dial instead of anything digital, I prefer WPA and hooks or other cooling stem options but the stock setup is effective, I just prefer more glass and other features like bends personally... There are other options for on demand, that have quick extractions capable, but the TM2 is top tier of them all in my mind


Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing.
Yeah sounds like you should get the TM2, unless you really want to try messing around with the butane options, they are fun and very different, but TM is much more versatile and useful, it feels analog with the temp dial instead of anything digital, I prefer WPA and hooks or other cooling stem options but the stock setup is effective, I just prefer more glass and other features like bends personally... There are other options for on demand, that have quick extractions capable, but the TM2 is top tier of them all in my mind

Troy talks about unicycles on his show. Unicycles are great vapes, but you need to practice and learn how to ride the unicycle. Not that there's anything wrong with a unicycle as long as you know what you're getting into. The TM2 is the only one mentioned that isn't a unicycle to some degree (IMHO).

Knowing this hobby, you'll probably end up with all of them at some point. :lol: It is a great list of portables.
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Well-Known Member
Though also be sure to note that the TM2 loses the durability contest among these. Buttons coming off or loose, internal glass lining breaking when dropped etc.

I could probably run over my Anvil and Dynavap with a car and still use them after a quick scrub with soap and water.

And the glass intakes on a Sticky Brick type design are really burly. And would not need you to get a Torx screwdriver and disassemble the device to replace it.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Though also be sure to note that the TM2 loses the durability contest among these. Buttons coming off or loose, internal glass lining breaking when dropped etc.

I could probably run over my Anvil and Dynavap with a car and still use them after a quick scrub with soap and water.

And the glass intakes on a Sticky Brick type design are really burly. And would not need you to get a Torx screwdriver and disassemble the device to replace it.

Frankly I don't think that's all too relevant really, obviously an electronic device with so many parts is going to be more fragile than apocalypse vapes with metal tubes and wood blocks (using a torch is a whole separate thing) I believe internal glass lining breaking from a drop is actually not common at all, I am also skeptical that buttons are coming off or loose, these are two elements that have specifically grown more robust as the product has progressed though for the most recent versions... Myself and many others have never had an issue of course


Well-Known Member

Good selection!
I owned them all, except the bricks, nor the MFLB.

You got some good advice above.

I will add that:

-you will probably have to add accessories -depending on your tolerance- for most of the vaporizers you mentioned if you don't want it to tickle your throat.

The dynavap and TM2 will need a glass stem or glass part. (The TM2 will need an external charger depending on your use...)
The anvil, I think there are plenty of possibilities now, but with the standard tip or even the XL, it's a bit itchy.
The Tempest is very adjustable so you could find a setting that suits your throat, but you inevitably lose flavor.

-I preferred the TM (1) for the flavor.

-The TM2 meets ALL your criteria. (even if I will add a better stem for cooling).

-Instead of Dynavap/Anvil/Tempest, I would clearly look at a Terpedo style glass vape. TRWW offers several models. I know there are other manufacturers as well.
For me, it's the best flavor, it's the best vapor density, it sends you into the stratosphere (I use half bowls most of the time).
It doesn't have to be clumsy, but it's also quite cheap.

-The lotus that was mentioned above is quite a different option...personally, I love it.

-The TM2 is, in my opinion, still your best option if you only have a vaporizer and you consume daily.

Enjoy your reflection period!


Well-Known Member
Thank you for all the replies!!

@Partialgenious I have read you thread. Did you manage to experiment even more with the Dynavap? I have read somewhere that it can produce a heavier body high as with smoking. I normally don`t like heavy body stones but from time to time it would be really nice the have the option to do so. Vapes kind of could not produce this type of high for me, even when I was way more high then ever with smoking.
The possiblity to clear a bowl really fast it what interests me the most about the TM2. The reason I am still thinking about the other vapes is that it is eletrical. I never had a real issue with my Mighty but as time went on I realized the battery was not as strong as it used to be and the sessions got even longer. There is something about the other analog vapes which could function in 20 years down the road and while hiking.

@coolbreeze Is it possible to kill a bol really quick with a Brick? Do you have to stirr with a Brick? It is something I really disliked about the MFLB. All the fidgeting to get where I want to be. But back then there were not that many options around and it was my first vape.
But the reason why the bricks are on my list is that there is something nostalgic about them. They remind me of my youth when we used to smoke from plastic bottles and pipes :D I could imagine to really enjoy the ritual of holding one in my hand but are not sold 100 percent because there so much frickin cool vapes now.

@Texus Do you think If I have the technique down I could also do smaller hits with the Anvil? I always have the small impression that the Anvil/Tempest are like a better Dynavap. Could you agree with this statement or would you say they still have their place? Could you compare your brick expierience to your Anvil and Dynavap expierience? And yeah the durbility of those vapes is a really nice factor of these vapes.

@Shit Snacks @BabyFacedFinster Yeah it looks like the TM2 would fit my lifestyle really well. At the same time my previous ownership of the Mighty is holding me back to get it instantly. Don`t get me wrong the Mighty is a great device but also not perfect IMO.

@fangorn Thanks for the suggestion did not know about the TRWW vapes. I just dont think a glass vape would be a good idea for me :D I can be very clumsy at times.

Right now most suggestions point towards the TM2. I will have to reflect a bit more since I do not really plan to buy all those vapes (hopefully).

I am looking for a daily driver since for special occasions I also own a supreme which was rented out for 2 years (thats how long my t-break was).
It is just not a device for everdayuse. It is a special vape which was brought out for special occasions but man did it excel at those. But for my lifestyle now I need something fast and reliable with the possibility to not blast myself completly everytime I use it :D


Well-Known Member
@coolbreeze Is it possible to kill a bol really quick with a Brick? Do you have to stirr with a Brick? It is something I really disliked about the MFLB. All the fidgeting to get where I want to be. But back then there were not that many options around and it was my first vape.
But the reason why the bricks are on my list is that there is something nostalgic about them. They remind me of my youth when we used to smoke from plastic bottles and pipes :D I could imagine to really enjoy the ritual of holding one in my hand but are not sold 100 percent because there so much frickin cool vapes now.
Yes, you can quickly kill a bowl and you can pack just the amount you want to kill, too. A few hits with a triple torch should get it done quick. You can also draw out a bowl and sip at your own tempo. If you pack a larger bowl you will have to stir, but I would consider the ritual not as fidgety as with the MFLB.


Active Member
I have read you thread. Did you manage to experiment even more with the Dynavap? I have read somewhere that it can produce a heavier body high as with smoking. I normally don`t like heavy body stones but from time to time it would be really nice the have the option to do so. Vapes kind of could not produce this type of high for me, even when I was way more high then ever with smoking.
The possiblity to clear a bowl really fast it what interests me the most about the TM2. The reason I am still thinking about the other vapes is that it is eletrical. I never had a real issue with my Mighty but as time went on I realized the battery was not as strong as it used to be and the sessions got even longer. There is something about the other analog vapes which could function in 20 years down the road and while hiking.
Yes, I am still experimenting with the dynavap. Since the weekend it is all I have been using as the wife/child stole my charger/cable to the TM2 and they take precedence in my house. Something I noticed last night with the dynavap omni (I am guessing holds true with all dynavaps) I noticed the taste/effects was not quite right. Took a iso q tip and swabbed the tip and screen, to me this had a big change in flavor on the next bowl. I might start doing this every 3-5 bowls or more often. I think it does produce a little more of a body high when cleaned as mentioned.

If I want the no fuss, no hassle lets go to the moon or a quick one hitter, I would pickup the TM2 every time. If I want to enjoy the "ritual", need a change of pace, go on a hike, the dynavap will come out. I don't like the TM2 as a session vape, to me it is a monster that needs to be used as a one hit or two hits and walk away or clear the bowl with a few hits. I also ordered some spare batteries and an external charger for it today (batteries are replaceable, also has 10 yr warranty as well). I won't say I regret getting the dynavap, but I do wish the bowl had maybe .2g capacity with adjustability to .1g or something (instead of .05 to .1g adjustable capacity). This is also subjective, as I have no idea how much flower I put in the TM2. Maybe, that is why I yearn for more in the dynavap. I should measure my TM2 pack and see how it compares.

If you are completely unsure on a dynavap or similar style vapes I have been eying the vaphit glass ones on vgoodiez. A lot cheaper (15-30$ USD, they are on sale with the holiday codes) to try out a device of the dynavap style. From what I can tell they have good reviews here on FC. I know someone else mentioned the TRWW ones, just giving you what I have been researching for a cheaper option to test out. I went with the DV because of the clicks, thought it would be easier to learn/use. Hindsight, I don't think it matters. First time I used it I combusted LOL.

Last note, I am careful/meticulous with most of my things. I am sure the TM2 is well built (I have never dropped mine), but it is not a tank by any means. To me it is not a device to throw in your pocket (maybe a backpack, not pocket) and go out on a hike or to eat etc. Others may think it is, I feel the price tag was too high, and it's a little delicate for that IMO.


Well-Known Member
That 10 yr TM2 warranty sure is nice (as long as company is in business that long), though the number of Reddit posts on broken glass still gives me pause. The FC thread is soo dang long that it isn't too easy to gauge extent of issues there.

As for Bricks, I do think that stirring is needed for most bowls. I feel like the hits are a bit different between Bricks and the others. One biggie is the more open airflow compared to a bit more restriction on the Anvil/DV designs (tho adjustable, still doesn't get quite so wide open as a Brick). But airflow is also often a personal preference, so that more open Brick airflow and those sorts of vape clouds may or may not appeal to you.

I do think that less intense hits are possible with Anvil, just need to be careful is all. Can't speak to the Tempest since I have no experience, tho lots of nice features on it. But I do still feel like the Dynavap has its place. Easy to precisely dose with, lots of great options from Dynavap and aftermarket to really dial in the experience if you want to go down that rabbit hole.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
it possible to kill a bol really quick with a Brick? Do you have to stirr with a Brick?

Yeah and there are other options aside from the standard brick, other companies that make the same style, with smaller bowls, more modular, I have others that I prefer for one hit extraction (like Piro) where stirring is not required, so many options now...

looks like the TM2 would fit my lifestyle really well. At the same time my previous ownership of the Mighty is holding me back to get it instantly. Don`t get me wrong the Mighty is a great device but also not perfect IMO.

Yeah I really think it sounds like you ought to try the TM, trust me it is nothing like the mighty, forget that experience completely and approach TM fresh I say lol (everything is going to be a compromise of course)

though the number of Reddit posts on broken glass still gives me pause. The FC thread is soo dang long that it isn't too easy to gauge extent of issues there.

It actually is easy if you follow the thread like I do, and ignore Reddit complainers :tup:


Well-Known Member
It actually is easy if you follow the thread like I do, and ignore Reddit complainers :tup:
Hard pass.

Generally not a fan of Reddit, especially in the vape space. But that's a lot of data points.

And not saying that TM2 isn't the best option in this case. But all the pros and cons should be on the table so OP can make an informed choice.

To hear the TM2 fanboys say it, the TM2 is perfect and without flaws or downsides. And that's just not the case for any vape.

It is a matter of priorities and what downsides you can live with.

BTW, as much as I have a lot of misgivings about Troy at 420 Vape Zone, his biases and how he reviews vapes, it is probably a good idea for OP to watch his Mighty vs TinyMight video. While based on what he describes I'd probably make the opposite choice than Troy and between just those 2 choose the TM over a Mighty, he does a good job of clearly describing pros and cons of both.
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Hard pass.

Generally not a fan of Reddit, especially in the vape space. But that's a lot of data points.

And not saying that TM2 isn't the best option in this case. But all the pros and cons should be on the table so OP can make an informed choice.

To hear the TM2 fanboys say it, the TM2 is perfect and without flaws or downsides. And that's just not the case for any vape.

It is a matter of priorities and what downsides you can live with.

BTW, as much as I have a lot of misgivings about Troy at 420 Vape Zone, his biases and how he reviews vapes, it is probably a good idea for OP to watch his Mighty vs TinyMight video. While based on what he describes I'd probably make the opposite choice than Troy and between just those 2 choose the TM over a Mighty, he does a good job of clearly describing pros and cons of both.

FC is a lot of data points too... No one here is saying it is perfect, without any flaws or downsides... However we actually own it... you might think we are fanboys, I think you might actually be the opposite though lol

I think many more people would go to reddit just to complain, is what I meant by my statement really, flawed data in my mind?
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Well-Known Member
FC is a lot of data points too... No one here is saying it is perfect, without any flaws or downsides... However we actually own it... you might think we are fanboys, I think you might actually be the opposite though lol

I think many more people would go to reddit just to complain, is what I meant by my statement really, flawed data in my mind?
I'm sure not seeing any mention of TM2 downsides from anyone in this thread until I brought the issue here. Flawed data or not, there are enough comments about broken glass that should give someone who prioritizes durability pause to consider the issue.

And it is not that the TM2 doesn't appeal to me. On the contrary it would be high on my list of portable vapes if not for the fact of my growing disability which has almost completely removed any need or interest in buying a portable vape. But go ahead and LOL about my decision not to purchase one or keep calling me the anti-fanboy if you like.

If in the market for a battery-powered vape I think TM2 would be near or at the top of that list. It was "next up to try" for a very long time until I no longer had an interest in this type of vape. Early on I wanted to wait until their customer service had improved, which it now seems to have as best I can tell. And personally, I could live with those durability concerns, as that isn't a major priority for me, especially considering the excellent warranty and other alternatives I'd have on hand if I needed to send TM2 to Finland for repair (which would not be the case for OP it seems).
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Well-Known Member
One note for dynavap/the stunner/anvil

You can use them with induction heater that eliminates the butane factor.

You can get also all glass steam and bowl for dynavap, and additional glass filters If decide to go with metal bowl. Easy to clean, great hotter when you spend some time on the learning.


Well-Known Member
One note for dynavap/the stunner/anvil

You can use them with induction heater that eliminates the butane factor.
And the Wand is such a cool Induction Heater (originally intended for dabbing). The Anvil also becomes more IH friendly with that new Thermocore. If you go Anvil make sure that an IH for it is both powerful enough and has a large enough opening for it to fit. Or there is the Anvil IH (Forge) coming. But that is one big IH.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I'm sure not seeing any mention of TM2 downsides from anyone in this thread until I brought the issue here. Flawed data or not, there are enough comments about broken glass that should give someone who prioritizes durability pause to consider the issue.

Anyone should realize it is possible for glass to break... Why should we mention that? And I am talking about the TM thread... They are considering it already, so I think your point is pointless, made me feel I had to respond

And it is not that the TM2 doesn't appeal to me. On the contrary it would be high on my list of portable vapes if not for the fact of my growing disability which has almost completely removed any need or interest in buying a portable vape. But go ahead and LOL about my decision not to purchase one or keep calling me the anti-fanboy if you like.

I'm not laughing at you for deciding not to purchase, I'm laughing that you keep piping up just to say negatives about it, when without experience you could just keep quiet

If in the market for a battery-powered vape I think TM2 would be near or at the top of that list. It was "next up to try" for a very long time until I no longer had an interest in this type of vape. Early on I wanted to wait until their customer service had improved, which it now seems to have as best I can tell. And personally, I could live with those durability concerns, as that isn't a major priority for me, especially considering the excellent warranty and other alternatives I'd have on hand if I needed to send TM2 to Finland for repair (which would not be the case for OP it seems).

Okay whatever I'll leave you alone now


Well-Known Member
Thanks again for all the suggestions. I think II am going to leave out the TM2 out of the equation even though the consensus went towards it. Mainly because of the batteries. Just remembered how often I forgot to charge the Mighty and being happy that it was chargeable while hitting it.

Still have to decide if going the sticky brick or DV/Anvil/tempest route. Leaning towards the brick becauses I think it i faster to hit than the other vapes but the downside will be it is not as indestructible. Also thinking if it makes any sense to purchase a DV or directly go with Anvil or Tempest since many Dyna Users seem to prefer the new players in town.

Gonna keep you updated how I ultimately decide.


Well-Known Member
The Dynavap, Anvil, and Tempest are quite different - I wouldn't consider one the natural heir to another.

The Anvil will give you the absolute biggest rips. That's not to say that the other 2 don't give big rips, but the Anvil gives massive rips.

The Tempest will give you the best flavor, no contest.

The Dynavap will be the quickest to heat, and thus the most portable. It's the only one of the three that I'd consider if stepping out of a restaurant for a quick hit. It's also the most fuel efficient, adding to the portability.

If you're coming from a MFLB/Mighty and a t-break I'd start with the regular Dynavap or Tempest, since the Anvil will be overkill. I'd learn towards the Dynavap if it's your first butane vape, since it's the most intuitive.
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Dynavap, o.1g to skyrocket u, vape and touch bwt 60-150 usd, best for micro, will not be ur on the go tho.
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Well-Known Member
I have a tm2, anvil, and a sticky brick first off all3 I love.
The tempest seems very intriguing but in my opinion if u want bong hits go anvil if u want dry hits to take out tm2 and u can always get a bong attachment.
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