The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie (Pre Release Prototype) Comparisons


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The Tempest is set to release by the end of year, but prototype test units are being sent out to a few lucky individuals. Since some of those testers are active on this forum, I figured I'd create a thread to allow them to talk about how the Tempest prototype fares against other vaporizers currently on the market.

Keep in mind that there are going to be changes between the prototype and full release, so this will not be a 100% accurate representation of the Tempest.


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Accessory Maker
@TankeyPankey there are only a few of us that have them so I'll offer a little input.

TA led to the slim prototypes, no temp indicators, which led to the Tempest.
This is @Brenyo's baby, I stepped back to do other things.

Extract and rayon usage averaging 40 bowls to the gram.
No carb. MTL toking.
Various VC, early Anvil and early Dani being my comparators.

@Nebelmann that about sums it up. A mini ball vape. No problems filling a bong with the added bonus of being able to take your time and enjoy a more joint like session when you prefer it.

I don't use water but another slim prototype is used on a daily basis and usually on an Orbiter which it fills easily. No reason why the Tempest shouldn't.

The use of glass, in my case, as the main source of hot surface area/mass gives better flavour over Ti or SS airpath devices of the same form factor.

Push the heat in too much and you will scorch the top of the load. Fully calibrated temp indicators will help.

There is heat transfer into the stem I use but it was designed around a VC so it's to be expected.

Intake is 4 slots around the top circumference adjusted with a slip ring/sleeve.
Flows well fully open and can be shut right down. Set and forget kind of thing.

Magnetic top section, sticks really well. No issue holding it horizontal on my countersunk 12mm neo.

As you say Tankey Pankey the current Tempest is not the final version but so far so good.
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@phattpiggie Yeah as far as I'm aware, the only users here that have it so far are you, @Brenyo, and @RedZep. I understand if you and Brenyo don't feel the need to participate too much in a thread like this, but I appreciate the thoughts/background.

@RedZep has been giving his initial thoughts in the unreleased thread (pretty glowing recommendation so far). He mentioned a thread like this would him to compare this to some of the other vapes he's tried. I know he's putting some videos together so it may be a bit before he gets time to compare.


@RedZep, you said you reach for the TM2 over the B0. How do you foresee things with the Tempest now in the mix?

To me the Tempest seems the perfect option for joint/blunt lovers.

I'm a cloud chaser too, but I feel that's a result of so many unsatisfactory experiences with session devices. This feels like a new niche. With your experience, would you agree?


Big and Bouncy
Don't want to rock the boat as I know there was controversy around the Stunner when it was released (due to big similarities with the Thermal Accumulator that predates it) however I would guess that both the TA and the Stunner can likely give you much the same experience as the Tempest.

The Tempest seems the most refined right now of this group, with the temp indicators, airflow controls and optimization for IH compatibility. Looks like a great evolution of the portable ball vape. I don't think there's any other portable on the market right now that hits quite like this group.

Edit: Perhaps the larger, butane-powered "Vaponic-type" glass within glass vapes can simulate these portables somewhat. I'm thinking the QC or Terpedo from RWW. Once a large mass of glass is heated, it can hold its heat much like a ball vape. Of course glass isn't as durable.
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Well-Known Member
The Tempest seems the most refined right now of this group, with the temp indicators, airflow controls and optimization for IH compatibility. Looks like a great evolution of the portable ball vape. I don't think there's any other portable on the market right now that hits quite like this group.
I know for dynavap users there is a lot of love for the revolve stem, so having the revolve v3 is another huge factor in making this it's own unique package. I'm excited to get some cool tasty vapor without needing to clean/deal with a bong.
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@TankeyPankey asked me to make some comparisons here since I received a beta unit. This might get long, lol.

I'll start with the vapes I use on a daily basis, and work my way down to the stuff I use occasionally.

My daytime setup is usually a Revolve gen2 w/ 2020 titanium tip and armored cap with a single flame torch lighter. I worked my way up to this set up from a regular dynavap M. Better cooling with the revolve and more heat retention with armored cap allowed 2-3 hit, one heat extractions. But the bowl size is a little small, and I typically just get a nice little buzz and some flavor. Another bowl would be required to really feel it, but I dont really like reheating the armored cap when its still hot, because I really really really fucking hate combusting. I immediately feel the need to clean to get the taste and smell out. The Tempest has a larger bowl size, so I'm much more satisfied with just one bowl. If I do want another bowl, the heat indicator gives me a great representation of where my heats at. So, unlike the armored cap, I feel a lot more confident reheating.

Night time I will flip on my desktop ball vape and it will run most of the night until I go to bed. I have a B1 and an Omega wireless setup. I've been using the Omega a lot lately just because its newer. Now, this is a bit of a strange comparison to me, because the Tempest, B1, and Omega are all ball vapes. RedZep has mentioned this in some other posts - that it comes down to your preference of work flow, and I have to agree. In my case, the desktop vapes are setup in my office, on my desk. But I'm usually in the living room at night with my wife. So every time I want a puff I have to get up and go into my office, pack a bowl, preheat bowl for a few seconds, and take drag, stir, wait a few more seconds for coil to come back to temp, and finish the bowl. Or I could just have the Tempest, Reload, and Wand next to the couch, pack a bowl, heat it, and finish the bowl in one heat cycle. Its just a little easier and way more compact and mobile. Again, I have only had the Tempest for a couple days so I haven't really tried it in a group setting for instance, so more comparisons are still required.

Out and about I just take my Revolve setup. I will list some portables down below that I have tried, but I always just go back to this for leaving the house. The Tempest is easily going to replace this as my go-to portable set up. If I leave the house for more than a couple days, the Revolve setup is great, but its almost like being on a mini T break. I know when I get home and take a ball vape rip, I'm feeling that shit! This probably wont be the case with the Tempest. I get to the levels I want to be with the the Tempest so much more easily and consistantly than the Revolve/dynavap setup.

Occasionally I will use a Lotus. This is also an interesting comparison. I get a certain kind of high from the Lotus. Its really hard to explain, but if you've used one, you know what I'm talking about. The Tempest give me the same kind of buzz. Maybe its just the right mix of convection/conduction... IDK. But I like it. The Lotus is a fun vape, but having to carry around a J-hook or some sort of pipe to use it takes it off the table for anything other than messing around with every now and then.

Finally all my portables. I have/had Arizer Airmax, Mighty+, Tinymight 2, plus some more not worth mentioning. This is very subjective, but I'll just write why I don't use these, or would prefer to use the Tempest. The Airmax is probably the best for your money out of the three listed, but I don't like the restricted air flow. I know its controversial, but the Mighty+ does bother my throat, and I think the bowl is just too large for me to enjoy without feeling rushed, or wasteful. The Tinymight I will probably keep, but it doesn't leave the house. I'm afraid it will break if I look at it wrong. With a desktop ball vape, there's really no need for these portables around the house. I really wanted them to keep me medicated while away from the house, but I just ended up going back to the Revolve/dynavap setup.

The Tempest is better in every way when compared to the dynavap, IMO. Obviously the cooling from the Revolve with all its great settings is top notch, and the Tempest being a Revolve gen3 makes it basically the same. However, the Tempest head design is what makes this so awesome. You can adjust the air flow to really dial in the experience you want. It has superior heat retention, a bigger bowl, better magnetic connection, and so easy to take on/off without worrying its going to fall off like the dyna caps. I will still keep my Revolve/dynavap setup for sure, its a great vape, but it has been replaced.
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Well-Known Member
@TankeyPankey asked me to make some comparisons here since I received a beta unit. This might get long, lol.

I'll start with the vapes I use on a daily basis, and work my way down to the stuff I use occasionally.

My daytime setup is usually a Revolve gen2 w/ 2020 titanium tip and armored cap with a single flame torch lighter. I worked my way up to this set up from a regular dynavap M. Better cooling with the revolve and more heat retention with armored cap allowed 2-3 hit, one heat extractions. But the bowl size is a little small, and I typically just get a nice little buzz and some flavor. Another bowl would be required to really feel it, but I dont really like reheating the armored cap when its still hot, because I really really really fucking hate combusting. I immediately feel the need to clean to get the taste and smell out. The Tempest has a larger bowl size, so I'm much more satisfied with just one bowl. If I do want another bowl, the heat indicator gives me a great representation of where my heats at. So, unlike the armored cap, I feel a lot more confident reheating.

Night time I will flip on my desktop ball vape and it will run most of the night until I go to bed. I have a B1 and an Omega wireless setup. I've been using the Omega a lot lately just because its newer. Now, this is a bit of a strange comparison to me, because the Tempest, B1, and Omega are all ball vapes. RedZep has mentioned this in some other posts - that it comes down to your preference of work flow, and I have to agree. In my case, the desktop vapes are setup in my office, on my desk. But I'm usually in the living room at night with my wife. So every time I want a puff I have to get up and go into my office, pack a bowl, preheat bowl for a few seconds, and take drag, stir, wait a few more seconds for coil to come back to temp, and finish the bowl. Or I could just have the Tempest, Reload, and Wand next to the couch, pack a bowl, heat it, and finish the bowl in one heat cycle. Its just a little easier and way more compact and mobile. Again, I have only had the Tempest for a couple days so I havent really tried it in a group setting for instance, so more comparisons are still required.

Out and about I just take my Revolve setup. I will list some portables down below that I have tried, but I alwasy just go back to this for leaving the house. The Tempest is easily going to replace this as my go-to portable set up. If I leave the house for more than a couple days, the Revolve setup is great, but its almost like being on a mini T break. I know when I get home and take a ball vape rip, I'm feeling that shit! This probably wont be the case with the Tempest. I get to the levels I want to be with the the Tempest so much more easily and consitantly than the Revolve/dynavap setup.

Occasionally I will use a Lotus. This is also an interesting comparison. I get a certain kind of high from the Lotus. Its really hard to explain, but if you've used one, you know what I'm talking about. The Tempest give me the same kind of buzz. Maybe its just the right mix of convection/conduction... IDK. But I like it. The Lotus is a fun vape, but having to carry around a J-hook or some sort of pipe to use it takes it off the table for anything other than messing around with every now and then.

Finally all my portables. I have/had Arizer Airmax, Mighty+, Tinymight 2, plus some more not worth mentioning. This is very subjective, but I'll just write why I dont use these, or would prefer to use the Tempest. The Airmax is probably the best for your money out of the three listed, but I dont like the restricted air flow. I know its contraversial, but the Mighty+ does bother my throat, and I think the bowl is just too large for me to enjoy without feeling rushed, or wasteful. The Tinymight I will probably keep, but it doesnt leave the house. I'm afraid it will break if I look at it wrong. With a dekstop ball vape, theres really no need for these portables around the house. I really wanted them to keep me medicated while away from the house, but I just ended up going back to the Revolve/dynavap setup.

The Tempest is better in every way when compaired to the dynavap, IMO. Obviously the cooling from the Revolve with all its great settings is top notch, and the Tempest being a Revolve gen3 makes it basically the same. However, the Tempest head design is what makes this so awesome. You can adjust the air flow to really dial in the experience you want. It has superiour heat retention, a bigger bowl, better magnetic connection, and so easy to take on/off without worrying its going to fall off like the dyna caps. I will still keep my Revolve/dynavap setup for sure, its a great vape, but it has been replaced.
Great write up thank you, been considering a desktop ball vape but not keen on the whole set up, plus looks so harsh, joint smoker through and through as well so been loving my Dyna with AC as well, would have bought a Revolve months ago but decided to wait for the tempest and sounds like made the right decision


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Great write up thank you, been considering a desktop ball vape but not keen on the whole set up, plus looks so harsh, joint smoker through and through as well so been loving my Dyna with AC as well, would have bought a Revolve months ago but decided to wait for the tempest and sounds like made the right decision
Yeah the desktop ball vape setup requires a lot of extra tools, and a considerable amount of desk space, even with a stand/organizer. I also have mine in my office because its just too much space and potentially dangerous in the living room especially with pets. The Tempest is great because its a ball vape too, its just one I can slip in my pocket :)
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Vape swap shop
TM2 has had my top spot for a while now. When I first tried the tempest I was thinking is this a competitor for the top spot?, perhaps even better than the TM2?

This weekend both my TM2 and my tempest have been in rotation and I have been doing some extensive testing.

Some would argue this is not a fair comparison, butane against electric, but still we have a favourite right?

My TM2 still has the top spot. I am afraid the tempest has not toppled it, but it's real close. Without a doubt the tempest is my favourite butane vape. The tempest can produce as big clouds as the TM2 if you hit it right. However it can't match the consistency of the TM2. You press a button on the TM2, wait, hit it and have massive clouds everytime.

The routine with the tempest is more involved, requires more effort and the tempest does not get going until you pull the heat in to the bowl. Yes you can heat the bowl directly to avoid some of the heat up time, but then you are adding more conduction. I feel your first session on the tempest is lost, as it is mostly pulling heat from the balls to get the rest of your vape to temp. I have also found you have to finish the bowl. If you leave it, the residual heat finishes the bowl off.

Bear in mind I use the tempest with a torch, I don't have a IH. Perhaps that might change my mind?

These are all little nit picky things, and I still think the tempest is a top 3 vape, one I don't regret buying. However the crown is still with the TM2.


Pranayama; of a sort.
These are all little nit picky things, and I still think the tempest is a top 3 vape, one I don't regret buying. However the crown is still with the TM2.
My TM2 has a special place on the shelf where I keep my battery vapes. If I somehow run out of butane I might go and grab it. The only time I use it is when I walk the dogs, as its much easier to have something with a battery in it than trying to heat a dynavap/anvil which is my preferred for just sitting around. This is why I hope the Tempest takes the crown for "ritual" based manual portables, I love the whole pack heat use rituals with manuals. Soon the comparisons begin.
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Well-Known Member
My TM2 still has the top spot. I am afraid the tempest has not toppled it, but it's real close. Without a doubt the tempest is my favourite butane vape. The tempest can produce as big clouds as the TM2 if you hit it right. However it can't match the consistency of the TM2. You press a button on the TM2, wait, hit it and have massive clouds everytime.

So for you is it the ease of use, heating time, and consistency that pushes the TM2 over the Tempest? It sounds like cloud thickness is pretty equal. Any opinion on flavor?

Out of curiosity, what other butane vapes have you tried?


Vape swap shop
So for you is it the ease of use, heating time, and consistency that pushes the TM2 over the Tempest? It sounds like cloud thickness is pretty equal. Any opinion on flavor?

Out of curiosity, what other butane vapes have you tried?

Flavour is pretty much the same between the tempest and the TM2. Perhaps the tempest is a wisker better.

Cloud thickness is pretty equal when the tempest is hit right.

So for you is it the ease of use, heating time, and consistency that pushes the TM2 over the Tempest?

Yes pretty much. Really not much between the two but if I could only have one vape it would be the TM2.


Well-Known Member
Yes pretty much. Really not much between the two but if I could only have one vape it would be the TM2.
Really insightful thanks! It sounds like this is the TM2 of analog vapes. Some may prefer the greater customizability of analog at the cost of consistency and longer heatup times, while others may like the ease of use/consistency of the battery vape.

I think a wand would help you dial in a more exact heating method, but it still will heat up much slower than a TM2.
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Flavour is pretty much the same between the tempest and the TM2. Perhaps the tempest is a wisker better.

Cloud thickness is pretty equal when the tempest is hit right.

So for you is it the ease of use, heating time, and consistency that pushes the TM2 over the Tempest?

Yes pretty much. Really not much between the two but if I could only have one vape it would be the TM2.
Can the TM2 maybe produce decent vapor without cranking the heat?

I've got about 4 days experience with the Roffu. It starts to really produce when you get around 400-405 F, and it's not the most comfortable.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Can the TM2 maybe produce decent vapor without cranking the heat?

I've got about 4 days experience with the Roffu. It starts to really produce when you get around 400-405 F, and it's not the most comfortable.

I actually use my roffu much lower and can get a full extraction comfortably that way with better taste... I am using joda wpa... I run even lower temps in my TM stepping with GVB U-turn stem or plain WPA with various dry glass coolers and hooks


Pranayama; of a sort.
Its a random little comparison, I just noticed that whenever I would do a video of the Tempest, I would be watching the video and using my Anvil while the Tempest cooled and I noticed, that for me at least, the vapour was instantly available on draw with the Anvil but when I use the Tempest there is a delay on the production of vapour.

I tried to catch the difference in a video, it’s not meant to compare the amount of vapour as the quantities of herb differs however, just the speed at with the vapour is available.


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Well-Known Member
Its a random little comparison, I just noticed that whenever I would do a video of the Tempest, I would be watching the video and using my Anvil while the Tempest cooled and I noticed, that for me at least, the vapour was instantly available on draw with the Anvil but when I use the Tempest there is a delay on the production of vapour.

I tried to catch the difference in a video, it’s not meant to compare the amount of vapour as the quantities of herb differs however, just the speed at with the vapour is available.


I believe this is because of the convection to get the tempest started, vs the anvil having the weed surrounded by the heat from the go.

Also wanted to bump this thread as I have been loving the Tempest, but will be getting an Anvil lent to me this coming week to try out for a few weeks by a very awesome vape community member.

Hope to hear more from others that have both but excited to get them both in my hand to try them next to one another


Well-Known Member
Don't forget to share your thoughts :)
Just got the anvil today! Ran a couple bowls but gonna have to do a bit more experimenting to see how they compare. I see a decent amount of similarities already though and a couple differences.
Anvil worked great alongside the reload I found, not quite as well with the tempest but magnet works great for unscrewing the bowl
Also thought the size difference(non-XL stem on anvil) was pretty big. And funny that they are about the same when using the tempest on VonG stem.

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