
I guess this is the box where I ramble all about myself in mostly complete thoughts-which is really all you will ever get about me.

I am 25 years old and a cross between a gamer nerd and a 50s housewife. I bake, cook, cross stitch, knit, scrapbook, play video games, tv, movies, and occasionally I go outside. While outside I like guns, fishing, hiking-ish, and taking pictures. If my state wasn't so crazy high with hunting stuff I'd do that too. I am married, have been for about 7 ish years. I have a furbaby who is pretty much my son. Hes the cutest dog there is. (Wanna fight about it?)

As for my mj usage, I'm actually fairly new. I am a medical user with such ailments as-scoliosis, spinal stenosis, and much much more! The mental issues are there too, but not as visible, so not as talked about. I hurt pretty much all the time, but thanks to mj and vaping especially, I am able to go out and do things. Right now with the whole being new to it and all I use a vapor genie, and I heart her. Her name is Dazzler, or just Genie...I may or may not have bedazzled it.....with rhinestones.....purple....rhinestones...kinda... Anyways, I do look forward to getting bigger and better vapes in the future!

I am currently studding herbolgy type stuffs as well as essential oil use. I wanna get as far away from big name pharmaceuticals as possible.
July 12
Badass Housewife


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