Recent content by youandyamanz

  1. Y

    dry vapor reduces oxygen uptake in the lungs

    i didn't get high from trimming, my whole body got numb from trimming and i felt like i did a bunch of coke (again, never tried it but imagine). it gave total body pain relief but no high. i grew three plants on the balcony with only 4 hours direct sun and each plant yielded over 6 ounces. each...
  2. Y

    dry vapor reduces oxygen uptake in the lungs

    the thc was activated just enough so that the finger hash was very potent. i don't know if only touching fresh cannabis flowers and an ultra racy electric eyes wide open buzz, accompanied by complete numbing in all joints of the body is a bad thing? i could be allergic and i don't know what a...
  3. Y

    dry vapor reduces oxygen uptake in the lungs

    this is something i would like to try(!) i tried over a few months and the effects were the same. also the edible high is very different from the smoking high for me. it takes almost as much out of me as drinking and for the same duration sometimes for a day or more if i ate too much and i...
  4. Y

    dry vapor reduces oxygen uptake in the lungs

    the heat of the vapor i am guessing is why i coughed so much from vaping also, and it takes many puffs of vapor from my grindhouse shift to ingest what a few puffs of smoking can. will be holding out for a chance to try cooled vapor some time. saw the show fast foodies yesterday and the guest...
  5. Y

    dry vapor reduces oxygen uptake in the lungs

    i don't smoke heavily i'm breathing easy and exercising better again since i switched back to smoking. the decades long studies i linked to show lung capacity increases, as in gets better, as a result of smoking cannabis. if you can't produce the same studies to tell me why i should vape...
  6. Y

    dry vapor reduces oxygen uptake in the lungs

    i do wish to try completely cooled vapor one time before exercise but bringing a volcano which i don't have outdoors doesn't seem possible. some day will try also with the obsidian if possible or some similar vape. i am still of the belief that a bong will not add enough moisture just because...
  7. Y

    dry vapor reduces oxygen uptake in the lungs

    from the harvard link: "The results for the marijuana-only users told a very different story. In general, scores on the lung function tests improved until use, both current and long-term, got very heavy. For example, FEV1, the measure of how strong the lungs are, improved with greater exposure...
  8. Y

    dry vapor reduces oxygen uptake in the lungs

    check out: and also:
  9. Y

    dry vapor reduces oxygen uptake in the lungs

    thanks for the response and the 411. interesting to know vaping dates back in some cultures. i realize a bong might help but as far as i know what bongs do mostly is just cool the material and little moisture is actually infused in with it. here are the only threads i could find so far that...
  10. Y

    dry vapor reduces oxygen uptake in the lungs

    after smoking weed for almost 30 years i recently bought a vape which i had been using for about 2 months. however, my problems with vaping were as plain as day from the first time i tried it (pre-exercise, read on) and i did not want to accept it but i eventually had to listen to what my body...
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