Recent content by YeahImStoned

  1. YeahImStoned

    rosin on plates, how to clean ?

    warm them up and wipe them, or a little iso on a towel then heat them up for about 5 min to get rid of any left over iso. also wipe it down after the iso with a regular towel
  2. YeahImStoned

    Rosin press yields

    with good bud and my nugsmasher i rarely see it drop bellow 25% usally above 30 like 31-32
  3. YeahImStoned

    Temp controlled battery for CCell carts

    like doesn't seem to work anymore :?
  4. YeahImStoned

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    thick ass glass has some really nice ones if you want to check them out
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