Recent content by Walrus88

  1. Walrus88

    Dynavap VapCap

    A friend has recently acquired on of these, I shall ask them these questions for you and report back :)
  2. Walrus88

    Dynavap VapCap

    Yea no doubt that'll be some kind of wax/oil they have treated it with to the preserve the wood. Most likely their own Dynawax.
  3. Walrus88

    Dynavap VapCap

    Deep from the piles of wood dust and resin shavings... I have emerged with goodies!!
  4. Walrus88

    Dynavap VapCap

    Some Stabilised Goodness
  5. Walrus88

    Dynavap VapCap

    I'm not sure I'm allowed to discuss anything to do with sales on here from my understanding of the rules..
  6. Walrus88

    Dynavap VapCap

    Late night in the workshop. Managed to get onto a block that was sent to me by a friend. Really like how it came out :)
  7. Walrus88

    Dynavap VapCap

    So after a long week of crafting stems for others, I felt the need to make something special for myself.. Dyed and layered Birchwood in my favourite colourway. 92mm in length. Custom full length SS condenser. Pretty pleased with myself on this one tbh.
  8. Walrus88

    Dynavap VapCap

    Thank you! I'm super happy with the design and the way it feels/performs! Hopefully others will enjoy them as much as I do!
  9. Walrus88

    Dynavap VapCap

    Some of my latest makings. Purpleheart and wenge, with matching stands from the off cuts. Waiting for tubing to arrive for custom length condensers!
  10. Walrus88

    Dynavap VapCap

    Stem number 2! ☆Tight Rolla☆ A nice cherry wood. Stainless steel condenser (no orings) tight but removable. No airport for this one. Tight and warm (oo er!)
  11. Walrus88

    Dynavap VapCap

    Not entirely set on length, this first one is probably the longest I'd make for me as any longer wouldn't be friendly in the hand! My next one will be shorter, closer to the xl length. Thank you! Not as of yet with this one because I'm still waitimg on some stainless tubing for custom length...
  12. Walrus88

    Dynavap VapCap

    Hello everyone, just thought I'd show off my first fully handmade stem by me! The wood is Ash with just a light coat of dynawax. Condenser is pressed fit, without orings, but can be removed if you're handy. This was mainly just a proof of concept to see if I could actually make what I had in my...
  13. Walrus88

    Dynavap VapCap

    That is awesome hahaA
  14. Walrus88

    New guy here! Dynavap stuff!

    Hello people! Recently started the move away from combustion to vaping with my first purchase of a Dynavap 2019 M. Really enjoy using it! Much better flavour than any spliff ever haha! After alot of research and joining the dynavap facebook groups I quickly decided I wanted a Ti tip and after...
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