Recent content by vtguy429

  1. V

    Disfunctional Silver Surfer Help

    Indeed. Any pointers on knowing when its cashed, beat, all vaped up, whatever you call it?
  2. V

    Disfunctional Silver Surfer Help

    Lo, actually I am fortunate enough to have quit that habit before it caused me too much trouble(I just used to smoke all blunts so my lungs have hated me lately). And yes, I don't plan on going back to combustion, I mean I might smoke a j everynow and then maybe even pack up my medicali bubbler...
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    Disfunctional Silver Surfer Help

    So turns out my unit wasn't dysfunctional, the white thing that gets hot was below the hole on the glass, the one below where you hold the wand to. The guy at the store pulled off the glass part and pulled up the heater so it would be above the hole and now it works.. Quite amazingly I must...
  4. V

    Disfunctional Silver Surfer Help

    I took it back to the headshop within 15 hours of purchase as I was unfamiliar with their return policy. They actually don't really have one except for the off chance that there is a serious product malfunction, such as not working, lol. The guy fired it up and threw some nasty legal shit in...
  5. V

    Disfunctional Silver Surfer Help

    Perhaps you misread sticks. I have turned my unit ALL the way with NO result, not even smoke. There is a combustion point on these babies right? Well even on the highest setting, after having been heating up for 30 minutes, it does nothing to the herb. Now my experience with vaporizers is...
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    Disfunctional Silver Surfer Help

    Alright, thanks for the help everyone I guess I will be taking it back, I believe it was their last unit so I guess I'll just get my money back and purchase one from online.. I hope they don't make my return difficult... Anyways, lo, beez, and max for all the input, I'm glad to have gotten...
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    Disfunctional Silver Surfer Help

    Alright, I have already tried everything you said lo so looks like I gotta make a trip back to the store. I watched the videos, have used a whip vape before successfully, and tried different outlets, oh well, better luck from their website hopefully. Anymore input would still be appreciated if...
  8. V

    Disfunctional Silver Surfer Help

    Yeah, I am kind of new to vapes but somewhat knew to do that, and to no effect. It has a mild taste when I hit it, and like I said the herb afterwards tasted completely different, but no vapor seems to come and the color of the bud remains constant. It feels rather warm above the ceramic heater...
  9. V

    Disfunctional Silver Surfer Help

    Yes it is, and I can feel the heat coming off it as well, but it does nothing to the herb or to make vapor. But I smoked the stuff I tried to vape and it tasted wayyyyy worse then it should have. And for the record I am using high quality herb and varied the amounts that were packed according to...
  10. V

    Disfunctional Silver Surfer Help

    I just purchased a new SSV from my local headshop, brought it home and let it run on high for 10 minutes as I have read to do. Then I turned it between 1-2 oclock and went to take a hit and nothing happened, at all. The same is the case even on its highest power, nothing comes through, no vapor...
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