Recent content by voltaic

  1. V

    Building a Digital Vaporizer (Brain Dump)

    Extra effort?? I thought you said your code was some 40 pages long! :o I'd say we both still have our work cut out for us- while you'll be refiguring code to fine tune, I'll be swapping resistors and maybe a cap or two. But, there's always more than one way to skin a cat!! Someday I'll...
  2. V

    Building a Digital Vaporizer (Brain Dump)

    Damn fine work y'all done here!!! Just stumbled upon this site today and have definitely found what I've been missing. I've been tossing around the idea of a DIY vape for a year (given their ABSURD costs) or so and finally began penciling down some ideas a few weeks ago. I just began...
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