Vitolo's latest activity

  • Vitolo
    Hi Family, I'd like to give a big thanks to @Dopamine for sending such a patient friendly vaporizer. The unit is an Airvape Legacy Pro...
  • Vitolo
    Vitolo reacted to NYC_Frank's post in the thread Food Pics That Make Ya Drool !!! with Love Love.
  • Vitolo
    Vitolo reacted to vape4life's post in the thread Nausea: The Monster with Like Like.
    You are a VERY smart dude, and I really love your writing. You have a very good way with words, and know how to stoke someone forsure...
  • Vitolo
    Vitolo reacted to vape4life's post in the thread Nausea: The Monster with Like Like.
    Vapour abuse is what got me in this predicament. I FINALLY got a few hours last night (1am-5am), but still completely soaked the sheets...
  • Vitolo
    Vitolo reacted to vape4life's post in the thread Nausea: The Monster with Like Like.
    Thanks Vito, but the nausea always goes away after a week or so. I'm a very healthy and active guy in all other aspects. But I...
  • Vitolo
    Vitolo reacted to vape4life's post in the thread Nausea: The Monster with Like Like.
    I stumbled on this thread searching nausea. First Vito, props for your are a very talented writer. I'm so happy that...
  • Vitolo
    Vitolo reacted to Vicki's post in the thread Nausea: The Monster with Like Like.
    A doctor gave me Zofran for nausea and it was about worthless. Expensive as hell too!
  • Vitolo
    Vitolo reacted to Quetzalcoatl's post in the thread Nausea: The Monster with Like Like.
    Ah, another opiate aficionado. I rather liked the taste of Suboxone (and clonazepam had a neat minty taste to it too) although my only...
  • Vitolo
    Vitolo reacted to biojuggernaut's post in the thread Nausea: The Monster with Like Like.
    I too can vouch for the strength of Ondansetron and its generic counterpart. The taste reminds of that of suboxon too much however...
  • Vitolo
    Vitolo reacted to t-dub's post in the thread Nausea: The Monster with Like Like.
    Thanks Vito, my friend. Just wanted to give an update on the Ondansetron. This is a powerful serotonin modifier and should not be...
  • Vitolo
    Vitolo reacted to t-dub's post in the thread Nausea: The Monster with Like Like.
    Thanks Vicki, pharmaceuticals never really impress me much, in fact they bother me a great deal, but for now this one seems to be...
  • Vitolo
    Vitolo reacted to Vicki's post in the thread Nausea: The Monster with Like Like.
    Glad to hear you're feeling better. :)
  • Vitolo
    Vitolo reacted to t-dub's post in the thread Nausea: The Monster with Like Like.
    Well I decided to take another one of those cherry things this morning. Popped it before my shower and I have to say this is working...
  • Vitolo
    Vitolo reacted to Beezleb's post in the thread Nausea: The Monster with Like Like.
    My next vape is in your honor. A very tasty sugar punch!
  • Vitolo
    Vitolo reacted to t-dub's post in the thread Nausea: The Monster with Like Like.
    Thanks buddy, you're the best. Why do so many drugs have to screw with serotonin . . . at least I can take this stuff through an...
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