Hello FC!!!! From Venice, CA, Vaporbrothers was the disruptive underground group that popularized the notion of vaporizing in the US before Volcano.
When we started in 1998, vaporizers were glass globes, heat guns and early log vapes. Our idea was to create a handheld "Whip" handpiece that connected to the base unit once the user wanted to take a hit. Our vaporizer turned a previously complicated task into an easy 1-2-3 type of deal.
A lot was happening back then- History was pushing through a bunch of zeroes and we felt like the world deserved something brand new. We wanted to troll history with something good for people. The news at the time was becoming a circus of horror. Vaporbrothers was incorporated one day after Sept 11, 2001.
A proper vapor hit was so life changing that most people who got it became our enablers. With money and favors from friends & extended family of Woody Harrelson we were able to build our first 10 or 20 units in an abandoned snowboard factory in Los Angeles. Within the next 5 years, our design became the most common type of vaporizer in the world, although its function was not duplicated by the vast majority of knockoffs and counterfeits that sprang up. he iconic box shape of VB was drawn by me on a late night (probably on acid) in my workshop in Venice, CA, 2001. We are HUGE into wanting no air restriction, and no chemical outgassing, so the vaporizer was created from the ground up with materials we researched, and engineered in a way that no part gets hotter than it should. We got 3 patents on the basic concept of a box & Whip vaporizer invention, although dozens of knockoffs stole our basic look and made a pretty bad name for box vaporizers.
Not all copies & followers bothered us- Some built on the idea (Silver surfer) and others made it prettier (Hot Box). About 10 years after we started, we directly influenced the making of Magic Flight, which gets our highest recommendation for handheld herb vaporizers. We never came up with a handheld idea of our own, due to our self imposed limitations.
The word "Whip" is our registered trademark although has become a common term without us bothering anybody. We pat ourselves on the back quite a bit so if you want to test any of our claims or assumptions let us know here or by direct message.
Even today, we still build our VB1 and VB2 vaporizers by hand in LA and are incredibly fucking anal when it comes to what you're purchasing- That it will work the way we intended and be very good to you. A VB1 or VB2 should give you the biggest freshest/densest hits you've ever had from a vaporizer and not leave the nagging void that you want to fill with smoke.
By 2011 we got into vape pens (previously invented by someone else) and released Dabbler in 2013. With the preponderance of wax and shatter, vape pens made it easy to dab on the go. We could not ignore the incredible convenience that a wax pen brings, so we jumped on the bandwagon. We strived to bring quality to pens and address outgassing concerns. Our vape pens are a mix of off the shelf and custom components with ceramic replacing traditionally metal or glass fiber components, and extra hole(s) for ease of airflow. Once you get used to a vape pen it's hard to go back to "flowers." We still appreciate flowers, but also like to crush them with a hair straightening iron.
Anyway, if you ever have a problem, we want to help solve it. We encourage you to take advantage of our warranties. We don't try to hump your leg with excessive fees and restrictions. For those who pay the little extra to buy our product (or the high price of VB2), we love you. Had to throw that in. Thanks for reading this far. Love to you all FC members, lurkers, fans. Thanks.
~Linus Vapor, co-founder
Vaporbrothers, Inc.
support at vaporbrothers.com
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