Recent content by Vapolaborium_To

  1. Vapolaborium_To

    Boundless CF / CFX / CF-Hybrid

    Boundless CFX Glass Inserts: - the glass inserts offer the possibility to start or stop vaporizing immediately, - better cooling - less resistance to draw compared to the original inserts - with glass or metal screen -> easier cleaning ( burn out ) - can be used on both sides - short as...
  2. Vapolaborium_To

    vapolaborium. Jaw drop.

    Hello lazylathe, thank you, now I know where to post it too. :lol: Because it was also always asked what is the smallest amount for the vaporium, here now the appropriate module:
  3. Vapolaborium_To

    Dynavap VapCap

    DynaVape :lol: baked at 520°C for 2,5 std. in vaporium nice and golden.
  4. Vapolaborium_To

    vapolaborium. Jaw drop.

    DynaVape :lol: baked at 520°C for 2,5 std. in vaporium nice and golden.
  5. Vapolaborium_To

    vapolaborium. Jaw drop.

    Hi there, just to let you know, I'm Vapolaborium To. Nice to meet you guys. here for you, Boundless CFX Glass Inserts: - the glass inserts offer the possibility to start or stop vaporizing immediately, - better cooling - less resistance to draw compared to the original inserts - with...
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