Recent content by vapognak

  1. vapognak

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    I would buy instantly any fluxer heater adapted for tempest devices.
  2. vapognak

    Discontinued Hopper io

    I had those, stainless steel, and the titanium version as well. Never really worked, both could not keep up one draw or two at best, getting out with 8 batteries was not an option, so it became desktop units. I gifted both to friends eventually. I now have dyna + lighter in situation "on the go".
  3. vapognak

    Great Movies You've Seen Recently That Are NOT New Releases..

    My dinner with André Mind blowing.
  4. vapognak

    The Nomad From Morwood

    Never had this level of intimacy with Nomad! That was amazing. Thank you.
  5. vapognak

    FR Bienvenue sur FC !

    Idéalement le herborizer !
  6. vapognak

    FR Bienvenue sur FC !

    Le hasch et la vaporisation c'est pas simple ! Le vapcap est plutôt bien je dirais ! Le vapman c'est bien aussi mais faut être plus minutieux
  7. vapognak

    FR Bienvenue sur FC !

    Le nova a des avis négatifs (tient pas bien en place, bien qu'il soit joli), le punch est facile à utiliser mais tout petit, le Oconnel dont tu parles est plus à mettre en rapport avec le Flip de Stickybrick, mais concernant O'connel en général, il plait à beaucoup et semble de très bonne...
  8. vapognak

    FR Bienvenue sur FC !

    J'espère bien !
  9. vapognak

    Completed (EU) SSV - Silver surfer vaporizer

    I'm selling: 7th Floor/Elev8 Silver Surfer Vaporizer (EU outlet) with accessories: 1 classical heater cover 1 classical wand 2 hoses (tubing) - one unused 1 hands free kit 1 glass mouthpiece 1 waterpipe adapter (14 mm) 1 needle pick 5 screens 1 carrying bag (red) 100 € + postage fees (9,35 €...
  10. vapognak

    Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap

    I have tried a few other IH and my FD is still the best out there! By far. Using it everyday. Thank you for the great work Mr_C!
  11. vapognak

    Induction Heater ClickAndGo by Katalyzer

    Too many cooks! Meet another (very very similar) IH in the wall: the "IH Go" by French Touch Vaporizer (FTV) I don't know what Chinese factory is behind but it's a great job imo.
  12. vapognak

    The Nomad From Morwood

    I'm in batch 3! Have to know if I prefer cherry or figured walnut, struggling but will end happy I'm sure. Can't wait :love:
  13. vapognak

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    I'd say Runt mouthpiece over Junior's one... but I love how I can travel with Junior! Hard choice.
  14. vapognak

    X-Max ACE Level 3 Contest

    78! Cheers and good luck to all.
  15. vapognak

    VapoShop - Europe's #1 Vaporizer Store

    Get StickyBrick back in stock please!
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