Recent content by Vapin_In_Vancouver

  1. Vapin_In_Vancouver

    Need some advice

    Recently got my medical card for marijuana to treat some pretty severe nerve pain as a result of multiple surgeries. Have only used marijuana a few times and dont like the whole "tripping out" sensation as its usually pretty intense. Can anyone reccomended a good strain that will help with pain...
  2. Vapin_In_Vancouver

    Vaporizing Tobacco (not e-cigs)

    As someone who quit a year ago after smoking for about 5, I tried a bit in my ascent the other night out of sheer curiosity. Much less harsh that smoking a cigarette. Having said that, I highly doubt I will ever do it again.
  3. Vapin_In_Vancouver

    Temperature Guide

  4. Vapin_In_Vancouver

    Temperature Guide

    Just bought a Da Vinci Ascent that should be arriving tomorrow. Am relatively new to portable vaporizers and am looking for a decent temp guide for not only medical cannabis but other herbs (ie Chamomile, peppermint and Sage to name a few) Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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