Recent content by vapeurman

  1. vapeurman

    JCVAP "Pockety"

    For those interested, Very good vaporizer, review in French, but you can help yourself with the YouTube translation, have a good vape ;)
  2. vapeurman

    2-Con by End Game Labs

    ah yes, i understand ;)
  3. vapeurman

    2-Con by End Game Labs

    all this, I answer it in the video, the time is 2 to 7 minutes, the bowl is adjustable, the battery lasts 5 to 6 sessions depending on the heating, it is not possible to put dynavap in it, but we can find other stems, we can change the ruby beads with zirconium, it seems very solid and above...
  4. vapeurman

    2-Con by End Game Labs

    haha, a little misleading, my videos are never cut and never redone, the bowl was barely 0.3g and of course, it depends on the preheating of the balls, the force of the pull and the convection/conduction setting... you can make a bowl in two drags or 10 drags depending on the adjustment panel...
  5. vapeurman

    2-Con by End Game Labs

    absolutely correct, and there is no point in creating big clouds in conduction, the flavor is less good, the session is shorter and there, at least no combustion, thank you for saying that these thieves say, what an idea, this vaporizer only costs 150 dollars, it works very well, and looks very...
  6. vapeurman

    2-Con by End Game Labs

    this vaporizer is perhaps the first of its kind, with a temperature adjustment... other brands will surely be inspired by it
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