Thank you. I haven't decided if I need that capacity yet. Dioes the couchlog get a lot of warranty work? I'm surprised VGoodies doesn't have it. I'd feel better if they had an American distributor. It's the airflow fairly open. Better then an enano? 🤣
I got on the list for a zx. Im trying to decide between the couchlog, and the cloud connoisseur Epitome/Dante combo. If you could pick one too compliment it (assuming you have experience with CC, Which one would you pick?
I'm so close to breaking my rule and getting in on that pre-order. I've got FOMO for this thing here. Not DV'S! Your buy it for life analogy is justifying the price, and the fact that I can use PayPal justifies the risk.
Im a big fan of that one myself. It shelved my Tinymight for awhile!
If I...
Has anyone tried using the Vapvana Ace with an aftermarket coil like say the one Vgoodies sells? I want one but I dislike the idea of proprietary stuff whether it's guaranteed for life or not. If I don't buy the bundle I could afford the more useful stuff like the better bowls
Are you making more? If so when will they be available? If I go wireless how long of a wait do you think that will be? Yours is the only wired one I'm looking at because it's so well received here
Help me out. Tell me everything i need to get going with the pre-order on the zx's and I'll mosey...