Recent content by vapereyez

  1. V

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    Does the Sneaky Pete pass through injector bowl work with the Pass Phase 3
  2. V

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    I hope I'm on that list!
  3. V

    Phase3 Vaporizers

  4. V

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    Could anyone recommend some good glass bowls with links for the zx?
  5. V

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    Man I hope so!😂
  6. V


    Any thoughts on the XL? Its always something!😅
  7. V


    Thank you. I haven't decided if I need that capacity yet. Dioes the couchlog get a lot of warranty work? I'm surprised VGoodies doesn't have it. I'd feel better if they had an American distributor. It's the airflow fairly open. Better then an enano? 🤣
  8. V


    I got on the list for a zx. Im trying to decide between the couchlog, and the cloud connoisseur Epitome/Dante combo. If you could pick one too compliment it (assuming you have experience with CC, Which one would you pick?
  9. V

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    @ Which youtuber is that?
  10. V

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    Ok. Im on the list!
  11. V

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    Nice recommendation! I'm getting closer!🤣
  12. V

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    I'm so close to breaking my rule and getting in on that pre-order. I've got FOMO for this thing here. Not DV'S! Your buy it for life analogy is justifying the price, and the fact that I can use PayPal justifies the risk. Im a big fan of that one myself. It shelved my Tinymight for awhile! If I...
  13. V

    **Ball vape comparison megathread** Compare your balls.

    Has anyone tried using the Vapvana Ace with an aftermarket coil like say the one Vgoodies sells? I want one but I dislike the idea of proprietary stuff whether it's guaranteed for life or not. If I don't buy the bundle I could afford the more useful stuff like the better bowls
  14. V

    VAS: Vape Aquisition Syndrome The malady we love to hate

    What's the draw restriction on that like? It's a very nice vape. My daily for 3 years!
  15. V

    Ball Vape Purchase Decision?

    Are you making more? If so when will they be available? If I go wireless how long of a wait do you think that will be? Yours is the only wired one I'm looking at because it's so well received here Help me out. Tell me everything i need to get going with the pre-order on the zx's and I'll mosey...
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