Recent content by Uzer

  1. Uzer

    The Arizer Air

    This quote is from an email exchange I had with Arizer Customer Service. ..."regardless of what you may have read online, there is no such thing as an Air reset"... Amy Arizer Tech
  2. Uzer

    The Arizer Air

    Just wanted to share, I had a fantastic experience with Arizer customer service. Air stopped working so I contacted Arizer direct instead of the Canadian retailer I bought it from. Arizer has a US based warranty service provider so I only had to pay $6, instead of $25 to send it to Canada, and...
  3. Uzer

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Fun fact, it's not a LED, it's a neon bulb.
  4. Uzer

    The Arizer Air

    Did you have a bad experience? Were you dealing directly with Arizer?
  5. Uzer

    Arizer Air or MFLB?

    Air...It's not even close.
  6. Uzer

    The Arizer Air

    Don't overpack the bowl, full but loose is best. If you don't have atleast one extra battery consider picking one up (or more, but buy the OEM ones don't go aftermarket). I like to start on the green temp and finish on orange, I don't use red because taste is sacrificed too much (unless your...
  7. Uzer

    E-Nano from Epickai

    It's a Christmas miracle!!! E-Nano's to all and to all a good night!
  8. Uzer

    E-Nano from Epickai

    That code no longer works. Andy ended the deal.
  9. Uzer

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Try turning your heat up a bit, if that just results in poorer flavor and no increase in vapor try adding a bit more herb per bowl.
  10. Uzer

    E-Nano from Epickai

    The D020-D is perfect for the E-Nano. You'll need a 18mm GonG
  11. Uzer

    The Arizer Air

    I use it all the time as well. I think it makes the Air more efficient (more heat is retained) and feels much nicer to hold, it's a must in wind or cold. Talk of overheating is nonsense, the Air knows what temp to maintain and it will do just that.
  12. Uzer

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Great review, Congratulations @ACE OF VAPE Edit: I also think he's wrong about needing a lock on the cord connection. Mine is super tight, It would never move much less come out.
  13. Uzer

    The Arizer Air

    Thanks to @jojo0420, I found this post from earlier this year. An Amazon seller has a few of them for $6 shipped right now. I like that it's flatter. I picked one up.
  14. Uzer

    The Arizer Air

    Ahh ok, I'm having trouble finding a zip up case to fit air stems, ext batteries and two small containers. All of them seem either slightly too small or much too big. Yours looks just right. That looks good, how's the padding?
  15. Uzer

    The Arizer Air

    Do you have a link to this case?
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