TigoleBitties's latest activity

  • TigoleBitties
    TigoleBitties reacted to George75's post in the thread Arizer Solo 3 with Like Like.
    @chillAtGVC I'm not an expert on technical issues like battery life, but a couple of weeks ago when I was looking, I saw several models...
  • TigoleBitties
    TigoleBitties replied to the thread Arizer Solo 3.
    Actually I have a DaVinci IQ2 and I honestly think its bowl really is about 0.5g. It's a pretty good tasting vape but it's underpowered...
  • TigoleBitties
    TigoleBitties reacted to chillAtGVC's post in the thread Arizer Solo 3 with Like Like.
    I wanted that as well, but I have yet to see a battery operated DHV with that large of a capacity. The larger oven size would seem to...
  • TigoleBitties
    TigoleBitties reacted to George75's post in the thread Arizer Solo 3 with Like Like.
    @TigoleBitties Thanks, mate, I'm very interested in this topic.
  • TigoleBitties
    TigoleBitties replied to the thread Arizer Solo 3.
    Yeah, how to maintain a low or steady tolerance is tricky and there's a lot of good discussion about it on here. It's easy to have your...
  • TigoleBitties
    TigoleBitties reacted to George75's post in the thread Arizer Solo 3 with Like Like.
    @TigoleBitties I'm also in the majority, as I wanted a vaporizer with at least a 0.5g capacity. Your point makes sense, though, and I...
  • TigoleBitties
    TigoleBitties reacted to Partialgenious's post in the thread AirVape Legacy Pro with Like Like.
    Yea I read that for airflow just wondering if the technique is loose pack or does that matter in the caps? Didn’t want to unpack the...
  • TigoleBitties
    TigoleBitties replied to the thread AirVape Legacy Pro.
    For me personally, it didn't seem to matter too much but I like to pack them fairly tightly - not insane though. Actually, there is a...
  • TigoleBitties
    TigoleBitties reacted to George75's post in the thread Arizer Solo 3 with Like Like.
    @TigoleBitties Hi mate, it holds exactly 2 and a half tightly packed of the small stem, so if the small one holds 0.2g the large one...
  • TigoleBitties
    TigoleBitties reacted to chillAtGVC's post in the thread Arizer Solo 3 with Like Like.
    Purely in the interests of science, I pulled out some weed and packed the XL stem, then dug it out and weighed it. It was 0.2g. This...
  • TigoleBitties
    TigoleBitties reacted to George75's post in the thread Arizer Solo 3 with Like Like.
    @chillAtGVC Everyone says the small stem holds 0.2g, so what I did makes sense. In the end, it really does hold 0.5g tightly. Βut I...
  • TigoleBitties
    TigoleBitties replied to the thread Arizer Solo 3.
    Sometimes manufacturers inflate the numbers because it costs them really nothing to do so and people like seeing bigger numbers in specs...
  • TigoleBitties
    TigoleBitties replied to the thread AirVape Legacy Pro.
    Have a look at my previous post. For the best airflow, remove the microdosing disk and the little screen next to the bowl.
  • TigoleBitties
    Really nice pics. I know nothing about growing but your plants seem very healthy. If you're wary of using too much commercial...
  • TigoleBitties
    The other 5 plants: TGA Grape Lime Ricky Grape Lime Ricky Strawberry Cough, last couple nuggs from a previous harvest. Prolly finish...
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