Recent content by thx1138

  1. thx1138

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    my personal and highly subjective (just like your's) assessment @RTbar has a reasonable opinion and its a bit cliche to blame the user, especially on this one, the maintenance is high on this vape, and whether he thinks its a good labor to use ratio is legitimately up to him, mine has been back...
  2. thx1138

    High IQ Cannabis users

    WISC-R test in junior high school - 145 math 152 verbal Dean's list six times as undergrad - consumed as much weed as I could afford, now 2 grad degrees, 4.0'ed both - now retired college lecturer
  3. thx1138

    DaVinci MIQRO

    I have been touting the benefits of using Budkups as well. They brought my old Pax 2 back into the regular rotation.
  4. thx1138

    Arizer ArGo

    I have been using it for CBD flower (all that I use lately) at temps ranging from 379 fahrenheit to 400 tops, but I typically (almost always) use it at 389 f. I also use an inverted, domed screen in the bowl that reduces the oven by half. I load the oven with a half filled stem first and then...
  5. thx1138

    Arizer ArGo

    But your referring to different times when making your purchase comparison. Also, Vapefiend is a UK company, so thats 299 British pounds which is 360 dollars and 71 cents today for a TM. The current price difference is an astronomical 231 dollars, and thats if you go to a UK distributor for...
  6. thx1138

    Arizer ArGo

    I did buy it when it was launched, and got a good deal, somewhere around 180ish. Not sure it was ever 350, was it? I think it was somewhere around 269, but no one I know ever paid even that for it. The TM2 is around twice what I paid for the Argo.
  7. thx1138

    Arizer ArGo

    I have been using my Argo in rotation with my Air Max (both Arizer). I have been vaping CBD flower primarily for the past four months as I have had some anxiety issues and THC flower has exacerbated them. I use the Argo and Air Max nearly identically - with a domed screen turned upside down in...
  8. thx1138

    Pax - All Models

    Even a place like Grass City won't send it to you? They have a discount right now, and you can find another 20% discount coupon on Knoji which will bring it down further. I was thinking that a maybe a company like Grass City, who is a drop shipper on most items, might be able to bypass some...
  9. thx1138

    Pax - All Models

    I'd figure out whats best with the Pax Plus before I begin using the Budkups. Its quite possibly not the Budkups, as you mention that you only did one session with the Budkup. I'd try what Baboose1948 suggests, except that I'd hold the Budkups to the side, but not ditch them. Trial and error...
  10. thx1138

    Arizer Air MAX

    @sickmanfraud - nice find!
  11. thx1138

    Arizer Air MAX

    I have been using mine since I got it a few weeks before X-Mas as a daily driver for CBD flower. Its been a satisfying two months and these Arizers are the easiest to load and unload of any vape type I own. I started with the Solo OG, went to the Solo 2, added the Argo, and now this one has...
  12. thx1138

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    new caps, thats great news! :clap:
  13. thx1138

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    thats what I thought, so is this edition the SE model we have been reading about being on the horizon?
  14. thx1138

    Pax - All Models

    I apparently have had a very different experience than @maremaresing I started using the Budkups exclusively and I highly recommend them. The flow is far less restricted, a simple tap on the side when the oven lid is off, and the Pax is held upside down, allows the Budkup to fall out easily. I...
  15. thx1138

    Arizer Air MAX

    Yes, @wamalt I understand. You folks read the post quite differently than I did. My reading of @gooby's post above was that it simply said isolated from the oven, not airpath. That is what this person wrote. If the ceramic heater is attached to the bottom of the oven, then its not...
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