the_hexx's latest activity

  • the_hexx
    the_hexx replied to the thread Vapman.
    My Swiss Pure Pear developed some cracks a couple of years ago, I posted about this here and that's what René had to say about it Happy...
  • the_hexx
    the_hexx reacted to Gourmet's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    I have seen these cracks here in the forum from time to time with the Vapman Pure. And I was wondering what I was doing differently...
  • the_hexx
    the_hexx reacted to Radwin Bodnic's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    The crack on mine appeared after 10 sessions at the most. No fall and no overheating. I guess it's about how this specific part of wood...
  • the_hexx
    the_hexx replied to the thread EU alternatives to Vapefiend.
    I try to avoid ordering from the UK as my country has substantial import duties. I think I’ll stick with Verdamper and Vapefully in the...
  • the_hexx
    the_hexx reacted to Tji89's post in the thread EU alternatives to Vapefiend with Like Like.
    Ordered convector xl from, they shipped it two days later. All good. Also used recommended vape supplies a lot. Great...
  • the_hexx
    the_hexx reacted to Suki's post in the thread EU alternatives to Vapefiend with Like Like.
    they are really bad and will always try to blame it on the customer the truth is if people keep giving them money when they offer a...
  • the_hexx
    the_hexx replied to the thread EU alternatives to Vapefiend.
    La Central Vapeur have really lost the plot it seems.. I ordered a Convector XL on Black Friday and, after tons of excuses and poor...
  • the_hexx
    the_hexx reacted to Gourmet's post in the thread Vapman with Love Love.
    You've hit the nail on the head! :D This is exactly what René had in mind. The idea was never to screw the filter on as tightly as...
  • the_hexx
    the_hexx reacted to coolbreeze's post in the thread Vapman with Love Love.
    I wish you all a healthy, happy, and hopeful new year!
  • the_hexx
    the_hexx reacted to coolbreeze's post in the thread The WOODEN Vaporizer Thread with Like Like.
    Thank you for your kindness. I'm just having fun getting high with you all. ❤️
  • the_hexx
    the_hexx reacted to Perfect_Speed4069's post in the thread The WOODEN Vaporizer Thread with Like Like.
    Have you ever considered yourself to be a world-class expert in these matters? I don't think it's immodest to accept this honorific...
  • the_hexx
    the_hexx reacted to NoodIes's post in the thread The Toad from Morwood with Love Love.
    The ancient herbal magic toad has arrived! This is the most beautiful object I've ever seen AND the nicest tasting, quickest heating...
  • the_hexx
    the_hexx reacted to Dr. G's post in the thread Vapman with Love Love.
    Greetings everyone, here is a photo of my Vapman world at home for family and friends...we enjoy this space many times a day....
  • the_hexx
    the_hexx reacted to coolbreeze's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    When you use the other Vapmans, they sit on the heater such that they activate the timing system. When that's activated, the stand...
  • the_hexx
    the_hexx reacted to coolbreeze's post in the thread Dynavap VapCap with Love Love.
    One of the best ways to enjoy your DVs is with a Woodscents. It's really a wonderful heater in terms of flavor and effects but it also...
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