Recent content by ThaHolocaugh

  1. T

    Deep Cleaning "Grey Matter" in Second Perk

    i've had this bong since 2009 and I clean it religiously. People flip me shit because Im "always in the bathroom cleaning that thing". Despite efforts, including a "no snapping" policy (don't pull it through making a snapping noise) I still had some built up resin and GO is officially the...
  2. T

    Tek Spiderman's Oil Extravaganza!

    Beautiful bub man
  3. T

    Deep Cleaning "Grey Matter" in Second Perk

    GO is officially the shit. Suspending it in the 2nd perk chamber worked marvelously, here are some pics of the FINAL outcome; I couldn't be more pleased!!! :) Thanks everyone for your help go FC!
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    Deep Cleaning "Grey Matter" in Second Perk

    The before and after is pretty legit
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    Deep Cleaning "Grey Matter" in Second Perk

    I wasn't mixing iso with GO if that's what you're asking, I just waited until I'd mostly washed the GO out before throwing iso/salt to knock of residual debris. The GO worked really really well, turning all of the resin on the OUTSIDE of the dome perk into a phelgm like mucus that came off with...
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    Deep Cleaning "Grey Matter" in Second Perk

    the dirty stuff I was referring too is "sticky nasties" from my dirty hands on the outside of the bong (yes they've already been washed off). I never put windex in my bong- ESPECIALLY Chip Tha Ripper (he's my all-time favorite). I've tried this lemon-based resin/glue remover used for getting...
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    Deep Cleaning "Grey Matter" in Second Perk

    p.s.s. Right below the words "2nd perk" it looks like there's still foggy stuff below the ice-catcher but that's actually stuff on the outside from my hands that needs to be Windexed off.
  8. T

    Deep Cleaning "Grey Matter" in Second Perk

    Sooooo I know it hasn't been 24 hours but I can tell that the resin isn't being eaten off. I'm currently calling my local head shops trying to see who has the cheapest GrungeOff so I can go buy it here in a bit (luckily they're all within walking distance); I'll post pics of Chip once I try the...
  9. T

    Deep Cleaning "Grey Matter" in Second Perk

    Okay so got some Vinegar (diluted down to 4%/ 40 grains if that makes any difference...) and Chip is soaking. Attached are some pics; the second perk is filled up to just below the ice-catcher with said vinegar if you can't quite see it in pic. The reason he's not upside down is because of the...
  10. T

    Deep Cleaning "Grey Matter" in Second Perk

    Thanks for your help NYCD and everyone else too! I'm totally paranoid about this bong its my baby so I'm just making sure. Considering trying it right now its pretty late though haha
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    Deep Cleaning "Grey Matter" in Second Perk

    just making sure- vinegar is not bad for glass right?
  12. T

    Deep Cleaning "Grey Matter" in Second Perk

    washing powder? what do you mean
  13. T

    Deep Cleaning "Grey Matter" in Second Perk

    Hey guys, This is my first post (hooray!), I've never been a member of anything like this site but I'm optimistic... Let's see if I can get an answer to a question that's puzzled me forever about resin build up in double-perking bongs. Over time, "Chip Tha Ripper" (my beloved...
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