Texus's latest activity

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    Texus replied to the thread Underdog Log Vapes.
    Yeah, that's my experience as well. For UDs my preference is for stem is that metal stem. But that does effectively keep it more of a...
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    Ohhhh, a shroud. Sounds awesome!!
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    Great looking stands. It would be great to have something integrated to surround the coil so you don't burn your hand accidentally...
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    Thank you for your detailed explanation! You've definitely got my attention now. Oddly when I sat down to compare flavors across ball...
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    Been there boss and know it is a tough one. Take good care of yourself
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    Texus replied to the thread Firewood Vaporizer.
    Wait seems to be over for folks looking for a FW7 update
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    While the Kettle and Electropath combo is my favorite ballvape combo (followed closely by TKO), I don't find it quite at the pinnacle of...
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    Texus replied to the thread jaxels art.
    I've tried it dry, but wasn't a big fan of it that way. And I agree that from a straight airflow perspective, OG design is still king...
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    Texus replied to the thread Cloud Connoisseur Glass.
    Yeah, that is the downside of being an early adopter sometimes. Win some, lose some. No more pre-orders from me for a while. Especially...
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    Texus replied to the thread Cloud Connoisseur Glass.
    Prudent. Always a risk with pre-orders. All the moreso when China glass and the many international shipping delays that can also...
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    Texus replied to the thread Aerolite Vaporizer by YLLVape.
    Glad to hear they are going back to the drawing board if it needs it. But let's not assume it will automatically be "punching above...
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    Texus replied to the thread Brilliant Cut Grinder.
    I'd still remove all seals and iso soak. You could also grind some rice before that to help remove any possible residue on the teeth...
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    Texus replied to the thread Cheap High Quality Bubbler.
    Big fan of the Herborizer Sherlock. Removable base also makes cleaning a good deal easier with that pinched mouthpiece.
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    Texus reacted to chlorophyll_man's post in the thread Tornado by Vestratto with Like Like.
    If anyone is disc 'clicking' at a point where you are already over-roasted, then I would suggest to apply heat slightly nearer to the...
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    Texus replied to the thread Thermal Accumulator by phattpiggie.
    Yeah I have problems with TA3 screw coming undone to with the Magstand. Have not worked out how to address. May just tighten the screw...
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