Recent content by teroblacknight

  1. teroblacknight

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I got my MFLB 2 weeks ago from puffitup and it came with a tenergy model no 01142
  2. teroblacknight

    The Magic-Flight Box

    The more I use this thing the more blown away I really am with it. I've started grinding down my herb like crazy and it really does make a big difference. I definitely see the limitations here with inexperienced users, though. I lent it to a friend (rookie mistake) and he totally charred a load...
  3. teroblacknight

    The Magic-Flight Box

    ballin'! Thanks ya'll. I'm going to make a sploof tonight just to be on the safe side with some dryer sheets and active charcoal. Hopefully no one will be able to know what hit me :ko:
  4. teroblacknight

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Also, in reading through this thread it really sounds like the li'l guy is great with stealth. I'm super paranoid (as a noob toker and living with really conservative roommates) much odor is this supposed to make indoors? I'm thinking about making a sploof just in case.
  5. teroblacknight

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Thanks for the answers guys, I ended up getting a coffee grinder but that didn't really do the job. I tried grinding up my partially AVB and the smaller pieces turned to dust and the big pieces stayed big. I just ordered that suggested grinder on Ebay, I'll let you know how it goes when I get...
  6. teroblacknight

    The Magic-Flight Box

    So I'm just getting started with vaping (and really herb, for the most part) and I'm wondering what I'm getting myself into. I do have a couple questions for you... I bought my MFLB through because they threw in a pretty killer looking 4 piece grinder, but I'm afraid it's still not...
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