Recent content by t-rext

  1. t-rext

    Glass options for xmax

    Hey folks! My first vape purchase was an X-max v2 a few months back (before the interface/button push overhaul, but still with the 5min timeout). I've really enjoyed it. I'm totally new to vaping and to MJ - started to enjoy MJ recently but never liked smoking, so started looking for a vape...
  2. t-rext

    Multi-brand Xmax V2 Vaporizer (also Atmos Astra)

    Thanks for the response. I got in touch with them and now have tracking info. I double checked before ordering that the people i was exchanging emails with were the topgreen team directly - alibaba is just where we first made contact. Hopefully I will be back on here with a product review (by...
  3. t-rext

    Multi-brand Xmax V2 Vaporizer (also Atmos Astra)

    I have been searching for my first vape for a while, and after lurking here for a while, I finally took the plunge and ordered an x-max v2 (5min shutoff, sealed air path) from Topgreen on Alibaba. $58.30 USD including shipping to Canada. I'm getting a little antsy today wondering whether the...
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