
Current: Cloud+, Lotus
Mobius Ion Matrix, Mobius Stero Matrix, Halen Double Chamber, Heady Recycler (Buffy), Dirty Rico, American Glass X 2

A hit is hard to resist And I never miss
I can take you out With just a flick of my wrist


Emerald City in Oz


Vapes- Cloud+, Lotus V2 (flame), HI waiting list
Ret. Da Buddah, Volcano, VripTech, AromaZap
Glass- Slugworth Caddy Pink&Black worked Downline (New), Pink&Black Heady Recycler, Halen Double Chamber, Mobius ION Matrix bub, Mobius Stereo Matrix 60B bub, Dirty Rico 16-arm Apocoline bub, SeedofLife Lace Perc a/c, AG 60mm gridded upline tube, AG 50mm gridded downline-to-circ tube, Realization 9" mini-beaker

A hit is hard to resist
And I never miss
I can take you out
With just a flick of my wrist
Was she asking for it was she asking nice
when she asked you for it did she ask you twice


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