Recent content by sterbo

  1. sterbo

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Here are two videos that Spiral has posted showing off his Tea Tree PD on youtube. and, you might want to take this opportunity to check out a great site, If so head to the...
  2. sterbo

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    :D Well Tom, as they say, 'What goes around, comes around'. So glad you enjoyed it...:cool:
  3. sterbo

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    It does. That was one of the first things I noticed when mine had gotten to temperature. Perhaps it's more noticeable to me given that I've been working with wood most of my life. It's rather pleasant actually, as well as being subtle. It's been something just shy of three weeks since I received...
  4. sterbo

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Well sure, as does direct exposure to air, and to heat. Five or six hours of sunlight diffused thru glass is not likely to cause enough additional % degradation to matter much, at least IME. But hey, it's just how I like to roll when I don't have time to let it sit open in a relatively cool low...
  5. sterbo

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    All depends on how fresh it is and where you put it to dry. But that said, maybe a couple of days? Best to just go for it. You'll get the hang of it in no time. Me, I like a small glass jar w/o the top on. I grind, break it up by hand or cut it up with a small pair of sharp scissors. For the PD...
  6. sterbo

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    LOL, thanks Ben Actually I was born in the late 40's though it's fair to say I was re-born in the 60's (hence "child of the 60's") :P 'Upper seas' eh, well I hope they've been good to you. With all the sea miles under this keel I'll run down with the Trades any chance I get: warm and sassy mate...
  7. sterbo

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Hey you guys. Hope you don't mind if I climb on board. I post a lot over on and got turned on to this Forum by my friend Spiral. I've been toking since the mid sixtys (California kid, born and bred) and made the shift to vaporizing about a year and a half ago when I bought a Volcano which...
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