Recent content by soulfulrebel.MC

  1. soulfulrebel.MC

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Hi Seek, did you sell the nano? If not how much were you selling it for? Thanks
  2. soulfulrebel.MC

    Discontinued MistVape Touch

    Absolutely spot on with all the above @flotntoke ! I recently got my Mi out as it had been about a month since I used it. I can get massive clouds on demand and felt like chasing for the day. ( The Touch will still get you clouds if you want ) After a couple of sessions was shocked just how...
  3. soulfulrebel.MC

    Discontinued MistVape Touch

    It's horses for courses for me. My MFLB still gets occasional use as it is excellent for stealth missions and has a really small footprint. I also have the power adapter and that lifts the MFLB performance to another level ! I have my favourites , but I like to keep the main ones on rotation...
  4. soulfulrebel.MC

    Discontinued MistVape Touch

    I have the milaana too and I found it has a learning curve. So whilst I was able to get decent results from it , it wasn't until studying the Milaana thread and some of the techniques , was I able to really master it. The Milaana should hive you larger and thicker clouds once you master it. The...
  5. soulfulrebel.MC

    Discontinued MistVape Touch

    Welcome to the club. @cgod .It'll be fine @cgod no damage done with the battery. How are you finding the Touch? As compared to what you were using before or is this your first vape ? Come brother share with us ;)
  6. soulfulrebel.MC

    Discontinued MistVape Touch

    What you Want for a Wong ?:) @mistvaporizer
  7. soulfulrebel.MC

    Discontinued MistVape Touch

    It had to happen one day I suppose. I dropped and broke my long stem. :doh: I was nicely medicated and decided to move upstairs to continue my session. When I decided to try and load myself up like ' Buckaroo' ( you young uns google it. Great game in the vein of mousetrap etc No electronics...
  8. soulfulrebel.MC

    Discontinued MistVape Touch

    The O-rings were the first things I bought. I got mine from my local hardware shop, most places should stock them. The other end of the stir tool is for tamping down your load and also basket placement & top screen ( if using the double screen method) placement as well. I 'd hate to lose all...
  9. soulfulrebel.MC

    Discontinued MistVape Touch

    The only time I take my coil to glow nowadays is to get an idea of the state of the battery . As there is obviously a direct link to the time taken to reach glow, to the charge left in the battery. I can totally understand why this method is used as the Touch is unregulated vaporizer, Which...
  10. soulfulrebel.MC

    Discontinued MistVape Touch

    I went to my local shops last night ( it's 30 seconds walk from my house ) and two of the local boys I know (early twenties)asked me if I had anything as they had been let down by their man. They know I vape so, long story short we end up in my car with my Arizer Air & my MVT. One of them had...
  11. soulfulrebel.MC

    Discontinued MistVape Touch

    @peaceonearth It sure is a great little vape isn't it.. You were right on the money when you mentioned the coolness of the vapor. I've posted before about this, but the way you put it reminded me, plenty of times I'm not even sure there will be vapor ( after several draws already ) after l hit...
  12. soulfulrebel.MC

    Discontinued MistVape Touch

    WTF ?? That's messed up. I hate when things like that happen. :mad::mad: I feel for you. It's worse when you're waiting for that thing as well. I had a step down transformer for a turntable cartridge hand built and sent to me from france. I waited ages for my friend to build and ship it to me...
  13. soulfulrebel.MC

    Discontinued MistVape Touch

    It's friday ! A Long holiday weekend ! It's a lovely warm night. Got some sounds on and am Jus chillin . I Just had a little sesh , with my MVT . Lovely vapor clouds effortlessly. I've noticed that I've been hitting it dry more than I seem to be through my glass. :huh: I do still use the...
  14. soulfulrebel.MC

    Discontinued MistVape Touch

    My MVT is still my daily driver. I love being to take a quick rip when I want without waiting, or my herb drying out cos I'm not hitting it. It's just so There when I want It BAM ! :science: and it always delivers great vapor effortlessly. The love affair continues...:love: Here are some...
  15. soulfulrebel.MC

    Discontinued MistVape Touch

    @sk8man121 Best thing I found for this is the double screen method. Using the shallow screen on top. This seems to even out the heat dispersion. It definitely helped for not combusting. The hotspots can then be managed with rotating the stem after each draw. @mistvaporizer Wow! Even...
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